/* Options: Date: 2024-11-26 04:25:29 Version: 8.12 Tip: To override a DTO option, remove "//" prefix before updating BaseUrl: https://taxfiling.staging.pwc.de //GlobalNamespace: //MakePropertiesOptional: False //AddServiceStackTypes: True //AddResponseStatus: False //AddImplicitVersion: //AddDescriptionAsComments: True IncludeTypes: PostfachStatusRequest17.* //ExcludeTypes: //DefaultImports: */ export interface IReturn { createResponse(): T; } /** @description Represents a base class for a file with raw data. */ // @Api(Description="Represents a base class for a file with raw data.") export class FileBase { /** @description The raw data content of the file. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The raw data content of the file.", Name="Content") public content: string; public constructor(init?: Partial) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } /** @description Represents a portal certificate that is protected by a password. */ // @Api(Description="Represents a portal certificate that is protected by a password.") export class PortalCertificate extends FileBase implements ISecuredCertificate, IHasIndex { /** @description The unique identifier of the certificate. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The unique identifier of the certificate.") public id: string; /** @description The position of the certificate element in an indexed collection of certificates. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The position of the certificate element in an indexed collection of certificates.") public index: number; /** @description The password to protect the certificate from unauthorized access. */ // @StringLength(255) // @ApiMember(Description="The password to protect the certificate from unauthorized access.") public pin?: string; /** @description The description of the certificate. */ // @StringLength(2147483647) // @ApiMember(Description="The description of the certificate.") public description?: string; /** @description Tags that can be used to label or identify the certificate. */ // @ApiMember(Description="Tags that can be used to label or identify the certificate.") public tags: string[]; /** @description Gets or sets the file name of the certificate. */ // @ApiMember(Description="Gets or sets the file name of the certificate.") public name?: string; /** @description The raw data content of the file. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The raw data content of the file.", Name="Content") public content: string; public constructor(init?: Partial) { super(init); (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } export interface IVeschlueselungsRequest { zertifikat?: PortalCertificate; } export interface ISendeRequest { datenLieferant?: string; } /** @description Represents the type of constraint. */ export enum Einschraenkung { neue = 'neue', alle = 'alle', } /** @description Auflistung aller gültigen Datenarten. */ export enum Datenart { Anlage34a = 'Anlage34a', AnpassungVorauszahlung = 'AnpassungVorauszahlung', AntragUStVerguetung4a = 'AntragUStVerguetung4a', AbrufcodeAntrag = 'AbrufcodeAntrag', AenderungAdresse = 'AenderungAdresse', AbrufcodeStorno = 'AbrufcodeStorno', AbrufvollmachtAnlage = 'AbrufvollmachtAnlage', AbrufvollmachtUpdate = 'AbrufvollmachtUpdate', AenderungBankverbindung = 'AenderungBankverbindung', AntraegeRechteLoeschen = 'AntraegeRechteLoeschen', AntraegeUndRechte = 'AntraegeUndRechte', Aufzeichnung146a = 'Aufzeichnung146a', BetPG = 'BetPG', Bilanz = 'Bilanz', Belegnachreichung = 'Belegnachreichung', BSBMitteilung = 'BSBMitteilung', BZSt2 = 'BZSt2', C19Mitteilung = 'C19Mitteilung', DUeAbmelden = 'DUeAbmelden', DUeAnmelden = 'DUeAnmelden', DUeUmmelden = 'DUeUmmelden', Einspruch = 'Einspruch', EinspruchNachtrag = 'EinspruchNachtrag', EinspruchRuecknahme = 'EinspruchRuecknahme', ELeVAntragELStAM = 'ELeVAntragELStAM', ELeVErmaessigung = 'ELeVErmaessigung', ELeVGetrenntlebend = 'ELeVGetrenntlebend', ELeVSteuerklassenwechsel = 'ELeVSteuerklassenwechsel', ELeVWiederaufnahmeEhe = 'ELeVWiederaufnahmeEhe', EPAntwort = 'EPAntwort', EPBescheid = 'EPBescheid', EPMitteilung = 'EPMitteilung', EPKurzmitteilung = 'EPKurzmitteilung', ElsterErklaerungDaten = 'ElsterErklaerungDaten', ElsterKMVDaten = 'ElsterKMVDaten', ElsterLohn2Daten = 'ElsterLohn2Daten', ElsterLohnDaten = 'ElsterLohnDaten', ElsterVaStDaten = 'ElsterVaStDaten', ElsterDIVADaten = 'ElsterDIVADaten', ElsterDIVDaten = 'ElsterDIVDaten', ElsterEPBescheidDaten = 'ElsterEPBescheidDaten', ElsterEPMitteilungDaten = 'ElsterEPMitteilungDaten', EPStBescheidAbholung = 'EPStBescheidAbholung', EPStMitteilungAbholung = 'EPStMitteilungAbholung', Erbschaftsteuer = 'Erbschaftsteuer', ESt = 'ESt', EStbeschraenkt = 'EStbeschraenkt', EUER = 'EUER', EUn = 'EUn', FEIN = 'FEIN', ForschungZulAntrag = 'ForschungZulAntrag', KStAntragOptionPersG = 'KStAntragOptionPersG', FLHMitteilung = 'FLHMitteilung', FreistellungKapitalertraegeBV = 'FreistellungKapitalertraegeBV', Fristverlaengerung = 'Fristverlaengerung', FsEVerein = 'FsEVerein', Gewerbemeldung = 'Gewerbemeldung', GDBMitteilung = 'GDBMitteilung', Gewinnermittlung13aEStG = 'Gewinnermittlung13aEStG', GewSt = 'GewSt', GewStZ = 'GewStZ', GrundsteuerBW = 'GrundsteuerBW', GrundsteuerBY = 'GrundsteuerBY', GrundsteuerHE = 'GrundsteuerHE', GrundsteuerHH = 'GrundsteuerHH', GrundsteuerNI = 'GrundsteuerNI', Grundsteuerwert = 'Grundsteuerwert', InvStG56Abs5 = 'InvStG56Abs5', InvStG51Feststellung = 'InvStG51Feststellung', KapEStA = 'KapEStA', KapEStInvStG = 'KapEStInvStG', KapG = 'KapG', KapGAus = 'KapGAus', KKVMitteilung = 'KKVMitteilung', Kontoabfrage = 'Kontoabfrage', Kontoinformation = 'Kontoinformation', KSt = 'KSt', KStZ = 'KStZ', KTTAnmeldungHH = 'KTTAnmeldungHH', KTTAnzeigeHH = 'KTTAnzeigeHH', Lohnersatzleistung = 'Lohnersatzleistung', LohnersatzMitteilung = 'LohnersatzMitteilung', LStA = 'LStA', LStB = 'LStB', LStHVVMAnlage = 'LStHVVMAnlage', LStHVVMUpdate = 'LStHVVMUpdate', OGHMitteilung = 'OGHMitteilung', VermoegenswirksameLeistung = 'VermoegenswirksameLeistung', VMWiderruf = 'VMWiderruf', VollmachtDetails = 'VollmachtDetails', VNoVMVRegistrierung = 'VNoVMVRegistrierung', VNoVMVUpdate = 'VNoVMVUpdate', VNoVMVLoeschung = 'VNoVMVLoeschung', VollfAAnlage = 'VollfAAnlage', VollfAUpdate = 'VollfAUpdate', VMoVMVStBAnlage = 'VMoVMVStBAnlage', VMoVMVStBUpdate = 'VMoVMVStBUpdate', VMoVMVFreischaltung = 'VMoVMVFreischaltung', VAGMitteilung = 'VAGMitteilung', DIVADatenBZSt = 'DIVADatenBZSt', DivaEinwilligungAnlageBRM = 'DivaEinwilligungAnlageBRM', DivaEinwilligungFreisch = 'DivaEinwilligungFreisch', DivaEinwilligungUpdateBRM = 'DivaEinwilligungUpdateBRM', DivaWiderrufBRM = 'DivaWiderrufBRM', DivaErgebnisliste = 'DivaErgebnisliste', LStHVDivaAdresseBRM = 'LStHVDivaAdresseBRM', VMErgebnisListeVNSicht = 'VMErgebnisListeVNSicht', PersG = 'PersG', PostfachAnfrage = 'PostfachAnfrage', PostfachStatus = 'PostfachStatus', ProtokollAnforderung = 'ProtokollAnforderung', Registrierung = 'Registrierung', Schenkungsteuer = 'Schenkungsteuer', SonstigeNachrichten = 'SonstigeNachrichten', SpezRechtAntrag = 'SpezRechtAntrag', SpezRechtFreischaltung = 'SpezRechtFreischaltung', SpezRechtListe = 'SpezRechtListe', SpezRechtStorno = 'SpezRechtStorno', SpezRechtTeilnahme = 'SpezRechtTeilnahme', StAb50a = 'StAb50a', Statusabfrage = 'Statusabfrage', UnentgeltlicheDepotuebertragung = 'UnentgeltlicheDepotuebertragung', UENSTAnmeldungBE = 'UENSTAnmeldungBE', UENSTAnzeigeBE = 'UENSTAnzeigeBE', USt = 'USt', UStVA = 'UStVA', UStDV = 'UStDV', UStSV = 'UStSV', VGNAnmeldungHB = 'VGNAnmeldungHB', VGNAnmeldungBE = 'VGNAnmeldungBE', VGNAnmeldungHH = 'VGNAnmeldungHH', VGNAnzeigeHH = 'VGNAnzeigeHH', WTBAnmeldungHB = 'WTBAnmeldungHB', ZMDO = 'ZMDO', ElsterVollmachtDaten = 'ElsterVollmachtDaten', MitteilungAbholung = 'MitteilungAbholung', } /** @description Represents the possibility, to retrieve all meta information about a postbox status per data group and type for a user account or fingerprint. */ // @Api(Description="Represents the possibility, to retrieve all meta information about a postbox status per data group and type for a user account or fingerprint.") export class PostfachStatus17 { /** @description Constraint: new /all. */ // @ApiMember(Description="Constraint: new /all.") public einschraenkung?: Einschraenkung; /** @description Start: Date (YYYYMMDD) */ // @ApiMember(Description="Start: Date (YYYYMMDD)") public von?: string; /** @description End: Date (YYYYMMDD) */ // @ApiMember(Description="End: Date (YYYYMMDD)") public bis?: string; public constructor(init?: Partial) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } /** @description Specifies the base service request to submit data a retrieval request. */ // @Api(Description="Specifies the base service request to submit data a retrieval request.") export class PhaseRequestBase implements ISendeRequest, IVeschlueselungsRequest { /** @description The authentification certificate. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The authentification certificate.", IsRequired=true, Name="Zertifikat") public zertifikat: PortalCertificate; /** @description The retrieval code. This value MUST be given for the tax operation ElsterDatenabholung and tax tax type ElsterVaStDaten, for which a SoftPSE certificate is used to sign.In other cases a null value should be given. It consists of 2 x 5 characters, which are joined by '-'. Example: 'K6FG5 - RS32P'. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The retrieval code. This value MUST be given for the tax operation ElsterDatenabholung and tax tax type ElsterVaStDaten, for which a SoftPSE certificate is used to sign.In other cases a null value should be given. It consists of 2 x 5 characters, which are joined by '-'. Example: 'K6FG5 - RS32P'.", Name="AbrufCode") public abrufCode?: string; /** @description The details of the provider that submits the tax data. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The details of the provider that submits the tax data.", IsRequired=true, Name="DatenLieferant") public datenLieferant: string; public constructor(init?: Partial) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } /** @description Specifies the base service request to retrive the number of hits per data group and per tax type for an account or fingerprint. */ // @Api(Description="Specifies the base service request to retrive the number of hits per data group and per tax type for an account or fingerprint.") export class PostfachStatusRequestBase17 extends PhaseRequestBase { /** @description The search criteria of the service request. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The search criteria of the service request.", Name="Suchkriterien") public suchkriterien: PostfachStatus17[]; /** @description The authentification certificate. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The authentification certificate.", IsRequired=true, Name="Zertifikat") public zertifikat: PortalCertificate; /** @description The retrieval code. This value MUST be given for the tax operation ElsterDatenabholung and tax tax type ElsterVaStDaten, for which a SoftPSE certificate is used to sign.In other cases a null value should be given. It consists of 2 x 5 characters, which are joined by '-'. Example: 'K6FG5 - RS32P'. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The retrieval code. This value MUST be given for the tax operation ElsterDatenabholung and tax tax type ElsterVaStDaten, for which a SoftPSE certificate is used to sign.In other cases a null value should be given. It consists of 2 x 5 characters, which are joined by '-'. Example: 'K6FG5 - RS32P'.", Name="AbrufCode") public abrufCode?: string; /** @description The details of the provider that submits the tax data. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The details of the provider that submits the tax data.", IsRequired=true, Name="DatenLieferant") public datenLieferant: string; public constructor(init?: Partial) { super(init); (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } /** @description Enumeration of ERiC API error codes. */ export enum EricFehlerCode { ERIC_OK = 0, ERIC_GLOBAL_UNKNOWN = 610001001, ERIC_GLOBAL_PRUEF_FEHLER = 610001002, ERIC_GLOBAL_HINWEISE = 610001003, ERIC_GLOBAL_FEHLERMELDUNG_NICHT_VORHANDEN = 610001007, ERIC_GLOBAL_KEINE_DATEN_VORHANDEN = 610001008, ERIC_GLOBAL_NICHT_GENUEGEND_ARBEITSSPEICHER = 610001013, ERIC_GLOBAL_DATEI_NICHT_GEFUNDEN = 610001014, ERIC_GLOBAL_HERSTELLER_ID_NICHT_ERLAUBT = 610001016, ERIC_GLOBAL_ILLEGAL_STATE = 610001017, ERIC_GLOBAL_FUNKTION_NICHT_ERLAUBT = 610001018, ERIC_GLOBAL_ECHTFALL_NICHT_ERLAUBT = 610001019, ERIC_GLOBAL_NO_VERSAND_IN_BETA_VERSION = 610001020, ERIC_GLOBAL_TESTMERKER_UNGUELTIG = 610001025, ERIC_GLOBAL_DATENSATZ_ZU_GROSS = 610001026, ERIC_GLOBAL_VERSCHLUESSELUNGS_PARAMETER_NICHT_ERLAUBT = 610001027, ERIC_GLOBAL_NUR_PORTALZERTIFIKAT_ERLAUBT = 610001028, ERIC_GLOBAL_ABRUFCODE_NICHT_ERLAUBT = 610001029, ERIC_GLOBAL_ERROR_XML_CREATE = 610001030, ERIC_GLOBAL_TEXTPUFFERGROESSE_FIX = 610001031, ERIC_GLOBAL_INTERNER_FEHLER = 610001032, ERIC_GLOBAL_ARITHMETIKFEHLER = 610001033, ERIC_GLOBAL_STEUERNUMMER_UNGUELTIG = 610001034, ERIC_GLOBAL_STEUERNUMMER_FALSCHE_LAENGE = 610001035, ERIC_GLOBAL_STEUERNUMMER_NICHT_NUMERISCH = 610001036, ERIC_GLOBAL_LANDESNUMMER_UNBEKANNT = 610001037, ERIC_GLOBAL_BUFANR_UNBEKANNT = 610001038, ERIC_GLOBAL_LANDESNUMMER_BUFANR = 610001039, ERIC_GLOBAL_PUFFER_ZUGRIFFSKONFLIKT = 610001040, ERIC_GLOBAL_PUFFER_UEBERLAUF = 610001041, ERIC_GLOBAL_DATENARTVERSION_UNBEKANNT = 610001042, ERIC_GLOBAL_DATENARTVERSION_XML_INKONSISTENT = 610001044, ERIC_GLOBAL_COMMONDATA_NICHT_VERFUEGBAR = 610001045, ERIC_GLOBAL_LOG_EXCEPTION = 610001046, ERIC_GLOBAL_TRANSPORTSCHLUESSEL_NICHT_ERLAUBT = 610001047, ERIC_GLOBAL_OEFFENTLICHER_SCHLUESSEL_UNGUELTIG = 610001048, ERIC_GLOBAL_TRANSPORTSCHLUESSEL_TYP_FALSCH = 610001049, ERIC_GLOBAL_PUFFER_UNGLEICHER_INSTANZ = 610001050, ERIC_GLOBAL_VORSATZ_UNGUELTIG = 610001051, ERIC_GLOBAL_DATEIZUGRIFF_VERWEIGERT = 610001053, ERIC_GLOBAL_UNGUELTIGE_INSTANZ = 610001080, ERIC_GLOBAL_NICHT_INITIALISIERT = 610001081, ERIC_GLOBAL_MEHRFACHE_INITIALISIERUNG = 610001082, ERIC_GLOBAL_FEHLER_INITIALISIERUNG = 610001083, ERIC_GLOBAL_UNKNOWN_PARAMETER_ERROR = 610001102, ERIC_GLOBAL_CHECK_CORRUPTED_NDS = 610001108, ERIC_GLOBAL_VERSCHLUESSELUNGS_PARAMETER_NICHT_ANGEGEBEN = 610001206, ERIC_GLOBAL_SEND_FLAG_MEHR_ALS_EINES = 610001209, ERIC_GLOBAL_UNGUELTIGE_FLAG_KOMBINATION = 610001218, ERIC_GLOBAL_ERSTE_SEITE_DRUCK_NICHT_UNTERSTUETZT = 610001220, ERIC_GLOBAL_UNGUELTIGER_PARAMETER = 610001222, ERIC_GLOBAL_DRUCK_FUER_VERFAHREN_NICHT_ERLAUBT = 610001224, ERIC_GLOBAL_VERSAND_ART_NICHT_UNTERSTUETZT = 610001225, ERIC_GLOBAL_UNGUELTIGE_PARAMETER_VERSION = 610001226, ERIC_GLOBAL_TRANSFERHANDLE = 610001227, ERIC_GLOBAL_PLUGININITIALISIERUNG = 610001228, ERIC_GLOBAL_INKOMPATIBLE_VERSIONEN = 610001229, ERIC_GLOBAL_VERSCHLUESSELUNGSVERFAHREN_NICHT_UNTERSTUETZT = 610001230, ERIC_GLOBAL_MEHRFACHAUFRUFE_NICHT_UNTERSTUETZT = 610001231, ERIC_GLOBAL_UTI_COUNTRY_NOT_SUPPORTED = 610001404, ERIC_GLOBAL_IBAN_FORMALER_FEHLER = 610001501, ERIC_GLOBAL_IBAN_LAENDERCODE_FEHLER = 610001502, ERIC_GLOBAL_IBAN_LANDESFORMAT_FEHLER = 610001503, ERIC_GLOBAL_IBAN_PRUEFZIFFER_FEHLER = 610001504, ERIC_GLOBAL_BIC_FORMALER_FEHLER = 610001510, ERIC_GLOBAL_BIC_LAENDERCODE_FEHLER = 610001511, ERIC_GLOBAL_ZULASSUNGSNUMMER_ZU_LANG = 610001519, ERIC_GLOBAL_IDNUMMER_UNGUELTIG = 610001525, ERIC_GLOBAL_NULL_PARAMETER = 610001526, ERIC_GLOBAL_EWAZ_UNGUELTIG = 610001527, ERIC_GLOBAL_EWAZ_LANDESKUERZEL_UNBEKANNT = 610001528, ERIC_GLOBAL_UPDATE_NECESSARY = 610001851, ERIC_GLOBAL_EINSTELLUNG_NAME_UNGUELTIG = 610001860, ERIC_GLOBAL_EINSTELLUNG_WERT_UNGUELTIG = 610001861, ERIC_GLOBAL_ERR_DEKODIEREN = 610001862, ERIC_GLOBAL_FUNKTION_NICHT_UNTERSTUETZT = 610001863, ERIC_GLOBAL_NUTZDATENTICKETS_NICHT_EINDEUTIG = 610001865, ERIC_GLOBAL_NUTZDATENHEADERVERSIONEN_UNEINHEITLICH = 610001866, ERIC_GLOBAL_BUNDESLAENDER_UNEINHEITLICH = 610001867, ERIC_GLOBAL_ZEITRAEUME_UNEINHEITLICH = 610001868, ERIC_GLOBAL_NUTZDATENHEADER_EMPFAENGER_NICHT_KORREKT = 610001869, ERIC_TRANSFER_COM_ERROR = 610101200, ERIC_TRANSFER_VORGANG_NICHT_UNTERSTUETZT = 610101201, ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_XML_THEADER = 610101210, ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_PARAM = 610101251, ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_DATENTEILENDNOTFOUND = 610101253, ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_BEGINDATENLIEFERANT = 610101255, ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_ENDDATENLIEFERANT = 610101256, ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_BEGINTRANSPORTSCHLUESSEL = 610101257, ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_ENDTRANSPORTSCHLUESSEL = 610101258, ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_BEGINDATENGROESSE = 610101259, ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_ENDDATENGROESSE = 610101260, ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_SEND = 610101271, ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_NOTENCRYPTED = 610101274, ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_PROXYCONNECT = 610101276, ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_CONNECTSERVER = 610101278, ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_NORESPONSE = 610101279, ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_PROXYAUTH = 610101280, ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_SEND_INIT = 610101282, ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_TIMEOUT = 610101283, ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_PROXYPORT_INVALID = 610101284, ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_OTHER = 610101291, ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_XML_NHEADER = 610101292, ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_XML_ENCODING = 610101293, ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_ENDSIGUSER = 610101294, ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_XMLTAG_NICHT_GEFUNDEN = 610101295, ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_DATENTEILFEHLER = 610101297, ERIC_TRANSFER_EID_ZERTIFIKATFEHLER = 610101500, ERIC_TRANSFER_EID_KEINKONTO = 610101510, ERIC_TRANSFER_EID_IDNRNICHTEINDEUTIG = 610101511, ERIC_TRANSFER_EID_SERVERFEHLER = 610101512, ERIC_TRANSFER_EID_KEINCLIENT = 610101520, ERIC_TRANSFER_EID_CLIENTFEHLER = 610101521, ERIC_TRANSFER_EID_FEHLENDEFELDER = 610101522, ERIC_TRANSFER_EID_IDENTIFIKATIONABGEBROCHEN = 610101523, ERIC_TRANSFER_EID_NPABLOCKIERT = 610101524, ERIC_CRYPT_ERROR_CREATE_KEY = 610201016, ERIC_CRYPT_E_INVALID_HANDLE = 610201101, ERIC_CRYPT_E_MAX_SESSION = 610201102, ERIC_CRYPT_E_BUSY = 610201103, ERIC_CRYPT_E_OUT_OF_MEM = 610201104, ERIC_CRYPT_E_PSE_PATH = 610201105, ERIC_CRYPT_E_PIN_WRONG = 610201106, ERIC_CRYPT_E_PIN_LOCKED = 610201107, ERIC_CRYPT_E_P7_READ = 610201108, ERIC_CRYPT_E_P7_DECODE = 610201109, ERIC_CRYPT_E_P7_RECIPIENT = 610201110, ERIC_CRYPT_E_P12_READ = 610201111, ERIC_CRYPT_E_P12_DECODE = 610201112, ERIC_CRYPT_E_P12_SIG_KEY = 610201113, ERIC_CRYPT_E_P12_ENC_KEY = 610201114, ERIC_CRYPT_E_P11_SIG_KEY = 610201115, ERIC_CRYPT_E_P11_ENC_KEY = 610201116, ERIC_CRYPT_E_XML_PARSE = 610201117, ERIC_CRYPT_E_XML_SIG_ADD = 610201118, ERIC_CRYPT_E_XML_SIG_TAG = 610201119, ERIC_CRYPT_E_XML_SIG_SIGN = 610201120, ERIC_CRYPT_E_ENCODE_UNKNOWN = 610201121, ERIC_CRYPT_E_ENCODE_ERROR = 610201122, ERIC_CRYPT_E_XML_INIT = 610201123, ERIC_CRYPT_E_ENCRYPT = 610201124, ERIC_CRYPT_E_DECRYPT = 610201125, ERIC_CRYPT_E_P11_SLOT_EMPTY = 610201126, ERIC_CRYPT_E_NO_SIG_ENC_KEY = 610201127, ERIC_CRYPT_E_LOAD_DLL = 610201128, ERIC_CRYPT_E_NO_SERVICE = 610201129, ERIC_CRYPT_E_ESICL_EXCEPTION = 610201130, ERIC_CRYPT_E_TOKEN_TYPE_MISMATCH = 610201144, ERIC_CRYPT_E_P12_CREATE = 610201146, ERIC_CRYPT_E_VERIFY_CERT_CHAIN = 610201147, ERIC_CRYPT_E_P11_ENGINE_LOADED = 610201148, ERIC_CRYPT_E_USER_CANCEL = 610201149, ERIC_CRYPT_ZERTIFIKAT = 610201200, ERIC_CRYPT_SIGNATUR = 610201201, ERIC_CRYPT_NICHT_UNTERSTUETZTES_PSE_FORMAT = 610201203, ERIC_CRYPT_PIN_BENOETIGT = 610201205, ERIC_CRYPT_PIN_STAERKE_NICHT_AUSREICHEND = 610201206, ERIC_CRYPT_E_INTERN = 610201208, ERIC_CRYPT_ZERTIFIKATSPFAD_KEIN_VERZEICHNIS = 610201209, ERIC_CRYPT_ZERTIFIKATSDATEI_EXISTIERT_BEREITS = 610201210, ERIC_CRYPT_PIN_ENTHAELT_UNGUELTIGE_ZEICHEN = 610201211, ERIC_CRYPT_E_INVALID_PARAM_ABC = 610201212, ERIC_CRYPT_CORRUPTED = 610201213, ERIC_CRYPT_EIDKARTE_NICHT_UNTERSTUETZT = 610201214, ERIC_CRYPT_E_SC_SLOT_EMPTY = 610201215, ERIC_CRYPT_E_SC_NO_APPLET = 610201216, ERIC_CRYPT_E_SC_SESSION = 610201217, ERIC_CRYPT_E_P11_NO_SIG_CERT = 610201218, ERIC_CRYPT_E_P11_INIT_FAILED = 610201219, ERIC_CRYPT_E_P11_NO_ENC_CERT = 610201220, ERIC_CRYPT_E_P12_NO_SIG_CERT = 610201221, ERIC_CRYPT_E_P12_NO_ENC_CERT = 610201222, ERIC_CRYPT_E_SC_ENC_KEY = 610201223, ERIC_CRYPT_E_SC_NO_SIG_CERT = 610201224, ERIC_CRYPT_E_SC_NO_ENC_CERT = 610201225, ERIC_CRYPT_E_SC_INIT_FAILED = 610201226, ERIC_CRYPT_E_SC_SIG_KEY = 610201227, ERIC_IO_FEHLER = 610301001, ERIC_IO_DATEI_INKORREKT = 610301005, ERIC_IO_PARSE_FEHLER = 610301006, ERIC_IO_NDS_GENERIERUNG_FEHLGESCHLAGEN = 610301007, ERIC_IO_MASTERDATENSERVICE_NICHT_VERFUEGBAR = 610301010, ERIC_IO_STEUERZEICHEN_IM_NDS = 610301014, ERIC_IO_VERSIONSINFORMATIONEN_NICHT_GEFUNDEN = 610301031, ERIC_IO_FALSCHES_VERFAHREN = 610301104, ERIC_IO_READER_MEHRFACHE_STEUERFAELLE = 610301105, ERIC_IO_READER_UNERWARTETE_ELEMENTE = 610301106, ERIC_IO_READER_FORMALE_FEHLER = 610301107, ERIC_IO_READER_FALSCHES_ENCODING = 610301108, ERIC_IO_READER_MEHRFACHE_NUTZDATEN_ELEMENTE = 610301109, ERIC_IO_READER_MEHRFACHE_NUTZDATENBLOCK_ELEMENTE = 610301110, ERIC_IO_UNBEKANNTE_DATENART = 610301111, ERIC_IO_READER_UNTERSACHBEREICH_UNGUELTIG = 610301114, ERIC_IO_READER_ZU_VIELE_NUTZDATENBLOCK_ELEMENTE = 610301115, ERIC_IO_READER_STEUERZEICHEN_IM_TRANSFERHEADER = 610301150, ERIC_IO_READER_STEUERZEICHEN_IM_NUTZDATENHEADER = 610301151, ERIC_IO_READER_STEUERZEICHEN_IN_DEN_NUTZDATEN = 610301152, ERIC_IO_READER_ZU_VIELE_ANHAENGE = 610301190, ERIC_IO_READER_ANHANG_ZU_GROSS = 610301191, ERIC_IO_READER_ANHAENGE_ZU_GROSS = 610301192, ERIC_IO_READER_SCHEMA_VALIDIERUNGSFEHLER = 610301200, ERIC_IO_READER_UNBEKANNTE_XML_ENTITY = 610301201, ERIC_IO_DATENTEILNOTFOUND = 610301252, ERIC_IO_DATENTEILENDNOTFOUND = 610301253, ERIC_IO_UEBERGABEPARAMETER_FEHLERHAFT = 610301300, ERIC_IO_UNGUELTIGE_UTF8_SEQUENZ = 610301400, ERIC_IO_UNGUELTIGE_ZEICHEN_IN_PARAMETER = 610301401, ERIC_PRINT_INTERNER_FEHLER = 610501001, ERIC_PRINT_DRUCKVORLAGE_NICHT_GEFUNDEN = 610501002, ERIC_PRINT_UNGUELTIGER_DATEI_PFAD = 610501004, ERIC_PRINT_INITIALISIERUNG_FEHLERHAFT = 610501007, ERIC_PRINT_AUSGABEZIEL_UNBEKANNT = 610501008, ERIC_PRINT_ABBRUCH_DRUCKVORBEREITUNG = 610501009, ERIC_PRINT_ABBRUCH_GENERIERUNG = 610501010, ERIC_PRINT_STEUERFALL_NICHT_UNTERSTUETZT = 610501011, ERIC_PRINT_FUSSTEXT_ZU_LANG = 610501012, } // @DataContract export class ResponseError { // @DataMember(Order=1) public errorCode: string; // @DataMember(Order=2) public fieldName: string; // @DataMember(Order=3) public message: string; // @DataMember(Order=4) public meta: { [index: string]: string; }; public constructor(init?: Partial) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } // @DataContract export class ResponseStatus { // @DataMember(Order=1) public errorCode: string; // @DataMember(Order=2) public message: string; // @DataMember(Order=3) public stackTrace: string; // @DataMember(Order=4) public errors: ResponseError[]; // @DataMember(Order=5) public meta: { [index: string]: string; }; public constructor(init?: Partial) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } /** @description Specifies a service response from an ERiC service operation. */ // @Api(Description="Specifies a service response from an ERiC service operation.") export class ServiceReponseBase implements IHasIndex { /** @description The unique identifier of the response. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The unique identifier of the response.", Name="Id") public id: string; /** @description The position of the response element in an indexed collection. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The position of the response element in an indexed collection.", Name="Index") public index: number; /** @description Metadata that contains structured error information on the service response. */ // @ApiMember(Description="Metadata that contains structured error information on the service response.", Name="ResponseStatus") public responseStatus?: ResponseStatus; public constructor(init?: Partial) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } /** @description Represent a base response that encapsulate any ERiC API function return value. */ // @Api(Description="Represent a base response that encapsulate any ERiC API function return value.") export class EricFehlerCodeResponse extends ServiceReponseBase { /** @description The status code that the ERiC API function returns. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The status code that the ERiC API function returns.", Name="StatusCode") public statusCode: EricFehlerCode; /** @description The status message that the ERiC API function returns. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The status message that the ERiC API function returns.", Name="StatusText") public statusText?: string; /** @description The unique identifier of the response. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The unique identifier of the response.", Name="Id") public id: string; /** @description The position of the response element in an indexed collection. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The position of the response element in an indexed collection.", Name="Index") public index: number; /** @description Metadata that contains structured error information on the service response. */ // @ApiMember(Description="Metadata that contains structured error information on the service response.", Name="ResponseStatus") public responseStatus?: ResponseStatus; public constructor(init?: Partial) { super(init); (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } export interface IHasIndex { index: number; } /** @description Represents information returned from a successful tax declaration process. */ // @Api(Description="Represents information returned from a successful tax declaration process.") export class Erfolg { /** @description The generated tele-number for the successful tax declaration process. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The generated tele-number for the successful tax declaration process.") public telenummer: string[]; /** @description The classification key for the successful tax declaration process. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The classification key for the successful tax declaration process.") public ordnungsbegriffe: string[]; public constructor(init?: Partial) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } /** @description Represents information on the delivery. */ // @Api(Description="Represents information on the delivery.") export class Transfer { /** @description The ticket of the transfer. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The ticket of the transfer.") public transferTicket?: string; public constructor(init?: Partial) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } /** @description Represents information on all data deliveries, including deliveries that have not been confirmed by the server. For more information, see the ERiC developer manual in the 'TransferTicket' section. */ // @Api(Description="Represents information on all data deliveries, including deliveries that have not been confirmed by the server. For more information, see the ERiC developer manual in the 'TransferTicket' section.") export class Transfers { /** @description Contains information on all data deliveries, including deliveries that have not been confirmed by the server. */ // @ApiMember(Description="Contains information on all data deliveries, including deliveries that have not been confirmed by the server.") public transferList: Transfer[]; public constructor(init?: Partial) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } /** @description Represents value of an index field, which identfies the context about an error message. */ // @Api(Description="Represents value of an index field, which identfies the context about an error message.") export class SemantischerIndex { /** @description The name of the index field. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The name of the index field.") public name?: string; /** @description The value of the index field. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The value of the index field.") public value?: string; public constructor(init?: Partial) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } /** @description Represents information on an ERiC reference. */ // @Api(Description="Represents information on an ERiC reference.") export class FehlerRegelpruefung { /** @description The user data ticket of the reference. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The user data ticket of the reference.") public nutzdatenticket?: string; /** @description The field identifier of the reference. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The field identifier of the reference.") public feldidentifikator?: string; /** @description The multi-line index of the reference. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The multi-line index of the reference.") public mehrfachzeilenindex?: string; /** @description The delivery number form of the reference. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The delivery number form of the reference.") public lfdNrVordruck?: string; /** @description Indicates the line number of the error field mentioned in the form. */ // @ApiMember(Description="Indicates the line number of the error field mentioned in the form.") public vordruckZeilennummer?: string; /** @description Specifies the value of one or more index fields that identify the context of error messages. */ // @ApiMember(Description="Specifies the value of one or more index fields that identify the context of error messages.") public semantischeIndexes: SemantischerIndex[]; /** @description The sub-subject-area of the reference. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The sub-subject-area of the reference.") public untersachbereich?: string; /** @description The private identification number of the reference. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The private identification number of the reference.") public privateKennnummer?: string; /** @description The name of the rule that applies to the reference. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The name of the rule that applies to the reference.") public regelName?: string; /** @description The technical error identifier of the reference. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The technical error identifier of the reference.") public fachlicheFehlerId?: string; /** @description The textual details of the reference. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The textual details of the reference.") public text?: string; public constructor(init?: Partial) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } export class Hinweis { /** @description The user data ticket of the reference. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The user data ticket of the reference.") public nutzdatenticket?: string; /** @description The field identifier of the reference. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The field identifier of the reference.") public feldidentifikator?: string; /** @description The multi-line index of the reference. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The multi-line index of the reference.") public mehrfachzeilenindex?: string; /** @description The delivery number form of the reference. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The delivery number form of the reference.") public lfdNrVordruck?: string; /** @description Indicates the line number of the error field mentioned in the form. */ // @ApiMember(Description="Indicates the line number of the error field mentioned in the form.") public vordruckZeilennummer?: string; /** @description Specifies the value of one or more index fields that identify the context of error messages. */ // @ApiMember(Description="Specifies the value of one or more index fields that identify the context of error messages.") public semantischeIndexes: SemantischerIndex[]; /** @description The sub-subject-area of the reference. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The sub-subject-area of the reference.") public untersachbereich?: string; /** @description The private identification number of the reference. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The private identification number of the reference.") public privateKennnummer?: string; /** @description The name of the rule that applies to the reference. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The name of the rule that applies to the reference.") public regelName?: string; /** @description The technical note identifier of the reference. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The technical note identifier of the reference.") public fachlicheHinweisId?: string; /** @description The textual details of the reference. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The textual details of the reference.") public text?: string; public constructor(init?: Partial) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } /** @description Represents a structure that contains the first output of the ERiC tax data submission process. */ // @Api(Description="Represents a structure that contains the first output of the ERiC tax data submission process.") export class EricBearbeiteVorgang { /** @description Information from the successful processing a tax declaration. */ // @ApiMember(Description="Information from the successful processing a tax declaration.") public erfolg?: Erfolg; /** @description Gets or sets information on all data deliveries, including deliveries that have not been confirmed by the server. */ // @ApiMember(Description="Gets or sets information on all data deliveries, including deliveries that have not been confirmed by the server.") public transfers?: Transfers; /** @description Error rules that result from the processing of a tax declaration. */ // @ApiMember(Description="Error rules that result from the processing of a tax declaration.") public fehlerRegelpruefungen: FehlerRegelpruefung[]; /** @description Hints that result the processing of a tax declaration. */ // @ApiMember(Description="Hints that result the processing of a tax declaration.") public hinweise: Hinweis[]; public constructor(init?: Partial) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } /** @description Auflistung der gültigen Verfahren */ export enum Verfahren { ElsterAnmeldung = 'ElsterAnmeldung', ElsterBereitstellung = 'ElsterBereitstellung', ElsterBilanz = 'ElsterBilanz', ElsterBRM = 'ElsterBRM', ElsterBRMOrg = 'ElsterBRMOrg', ElsterDatenabholung = 'ElsterDatenabholung', ElsterErklaerung = 'ElsterErklaerung', ElsterExtern = 'ElsterExtern', ElsterFSE = 'ElsterFSE', ElsterKapESt = 'ElsterKapESt', ElsterKMV = 'ElsterKMV', ElsterKontoabfrage = 'ElsterKontoabfrage', ElsterLavendel = 'ElsterLavendel', ElsterLohn = 'ElsterLohn', ElsterLohn2 = 'ElsterLohn2', ElsterNachricht = 'ElsterNachricht', ElsterSignatur = 'ElsterSignatur', ElsterVollmachtDB = 'ElsterVollmachtDB', } /** @description Hauptinformation ob die Daten authentifiziert wurden (send-Auth) oder nicht (send-NoSig) */ export enum Vorgang { Send_Auth = 'Send_Auth', Send_Auth_Part = 'Send_Auth_Part', Send_NoSig = 'Send_NoSig', Send_NoSig_Part = 'Send_NoSig_Part', } /** @description Kennzeichnung der Datenlieferung ob es sich um einen Testfall handelt, gilt fuer die gesamte Datenlieferung. Ein Echtfall enthält dieses Element nicht. Ein Testfall muss mit einem Testmerker versehen werden, damit er nicht wie ein Echtfall verarbeitet wird. Handelt es sich um Daten, die nur zum Testen des Frontends versendet wurden, müssen sie nicht mehr weiter verarbeitet werden. */ export enum Testmerker { TM010000001 = 10000001, TM080000001 = 80000001, TM160000001 = 160000001, TM160000002 = 160000002, TM220000000 = 220000000, TM220002000 = 220002000, TM230000001 = 230000001, TM240000000 = 240000000, TM370000001 = 370000001, TM520000000 = 520000000, TM700000001 = 700000001, TM700000004 = 700000004, } /** @description Represents the signature and associated information of the compressed, encrypted, base64-encoded content of the data part of the tax declaration/statement. */ // @Api(Description="Represents the signature and associated information of the compressed, encrypted, base64-encoded content of the data part of the tax declaration/statement.") export class SigUser { /** @description The content of the data. Currently supported: Raw XML (text), XElement or IXmlSerializable */ // @ApiMember(Description="The content of the data. Currently supported: Raw XML (text), XElement or IXmlSerializable") public inhalt?: Object; public constructor(init?: Partial) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } /** @description Einheitliche Abkürzungen fuer die Bundesländer bzw. alternative Empfänger */ export enum Bundesland { BW = 'BW', BY = 'BY', BE = 'BE', BB = 'BB', HB = 'HB', HH = 'HH', HE = 'HE', MV = 'MV', NI = 'NI', NW = 'NW', RP = 'RP', SL = 'SL', SN = 'SN', ST = 'ST', SH = 'SH', TH = 'TH', EC = 'EC', BF = 'BF', CS = 'CS', CD = 'CD', CM = 'CM', CN = 'CN', DS = 'DS', OP = 'OP', TK = 'TK', ZF = 'ZF', } /** @description Represents a receiver of tax data. */ // @Api(Description="Represents a receiver of tax data.") export class Empfaenger { /** @description The identifier of the receiver. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The identifier of the receiver.") public id?: string; /** @description The destination of the receiver. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The destination of the receiver.") public ziel?: Bundesland; public constructor(init?: Partial) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } /** @description Protokoll der Verschluesselung. Es kann vorkommen, dass verschieden Verschluesselungsarten eingesetzt werden, eine Unterscheidung ist hier nötig, um das richtige Entschluesselungstool anzusteuern. Mit welcher Verschluesselungsart wurden die Inhalte von den Elementen 'DatenLieferant' und ggf. 'SigUser' im TransferHeader und dem Element 'DatenTeil' verschluesselt */ export enum Verschluesselungsart { PKCS_7v1_5 = 'PKCS_7v1_5', PKCS_7v1_5enveloped = 'PKCS_7v1_5enveloped', NO_BASE64 = 'NO_BASE64', CMSEncryptedData = 'CMSEncryptedData', CMSEnvelopedData = 'CMSEnvelopedData', EnvelopedData__RSA_OAEP__AES_128__GZip__B64 = 'EnvelopedData__RSA_OAEP__AES_128__GZip__B64', } /** @description Mit welcher Kompression wurden die Inhalte von den Elementen DatenLieferant und ggf. SigUser im TransferHeader und dem Element DatenTeil komprimiert. */ export enum Kompression { GZIP = 'GZIP', NO_BASE64 = 'NO_BASE64', } /** @description [Documentation unavailable] */ // @Api(Description="[Documentation unavailable]") export class EricTyp { /** @description The content of the data. Currently supported: Raw XML (text), XmlElement, XElement or IXmlSerializable */ // @ApiMember(Description="The content of the data. Currently supported: Raw XML (text), XmlElement, XElement or IXmlSerializable") public inhalt?: Object; public constructor(init?: Partial) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } /** @description [Documentation unavailable] */ // @Api(Description="[Documentation unavailable]") export class Erstellung { /** @description [Documentation unavailable] */ // @ApiMember(Description="[Documentation unavailable]") public eric?: EricTyp; public constructor(init?: Partial) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } /** @description Represents information on the encryption of tax data. */ // @Api(Description="Represents information on the encryption of tax data.") export class Datei { /** @description The type of data encryption used. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The type of data encryption used.") public verschluesselung: Verschluesselungsart; /** @description The type of data compression used. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The type of data compression used.") public kompression: Kompression; /** @description The transport key used in the encryption. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The transport key used in the encryption.") public transportSchluessel?: string; /** @description [Documentation unavailable] */ // @ApiMember(Description="[Documentation unavailable]") public erstellung?: Erstellung; public constructor(init?: Partial) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } /** @description Represents an external error stack. */ // @Api(Description="Represents an external error stack.") export class Rueckgabe { /** @description The external error code. Either a zero (0) if no external errors occurred; otherwise an error number. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The external error code. Either a zero (0) if no external errors occurred; otherwise an error number.") public code?: string; /** @description The external error message. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The external error message.") public text?: string; public constructor(init?: Partial) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } /** @description Represents an internal error stack. */ // @Api(Description="Represents an internal error stack.") export class Stack { /** @description The internal error code. Either a zero (0) if no internal errors occurred; otherwise an error number. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The internal error code. Either a zero (0) if no internal errors occurred; otherwise an error number.") public code?: string; /** @description The external error message. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The external error message.") public text?: string; public constructor(init?: Partial) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } /** @description Represents an ERiC return code. */ // @Api(Description="Represents an ERiC return code.") export class RC { /** @description The return value of the return code. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The return value of the return code.") public rueckgabe?: Rueckgabe; /** @description The internal value of the return code. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The internal value of the return code.") public stack?: Stack; public constructor(init?: Partial) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } /** @description Represents an ERiC extension. */ // @Api(Description="Represents an ERiC extension.") export class Zusatz { /** @description The user-customizable items for the extension. Data providers can use these items for their own extensions/information. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The user-customizable items for the extension. Data providers can use these items for their own extensions/information.") public infos: string[]; /** @description The ELSTER items for the extension. They can be included in the response XML from the ELSTER server, if special information must be returned to the user after data submission. For example, for authenticated submission, information about impending certificate expiration etc. It must not be supplied by the data provider (even when empty). */ // @ApiMember(Description="The ELSTER items for the extension. They can be included in the response XML from the ELSTER server, if special information must be returned to the user after data submission. For example, for authenticated submission, information about impending certificate expiration etc. It must not be supplied by the data provider (even when empty).") public elsterInfos: string[]; public constructor(init?: Partial) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } /** @description Represents the transfer header part of an ELSTER document. */ // @Api(Description="Represents the transfer header part of an ELSTER document.") export class TransferHeader { /** @description The version of the transfer header. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The version of the transfer header.", IsRequired=true) public version: string; /** @description The tax operation used in the ELSTER process. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The tax operation used in the ELSTER process.", IsRequired=true) public verfahren: Verfahren; /** @description The tax data type of the ELSTER process. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The tax data type of the ELSTER process.", IsRequired=true) public datenArt: Datenart; /** @description The authentification procedure of the ELSTER process. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The authentification procedure of the ELSTER process.", IsRequired=true) public vorgang: Vorgang; /** @description The ticket identifier after a successful ELSTER process. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The ticket identifier after a successful ELSTER process.") public transferTicket?: string; /** @description The flag that indicates whether the tax declaration or filing is a test case. For production purposes, this value should not be set. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The flag that indicates whether the tax declaration or filing is a test case. For production purposes, this value should not be set.") public testmerker?: Testmerker; /** @description The signature and associated information on the compressed, encrypted, base64-encoded content of the the data part of a tax declaration / statement. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The signature and associated information on the compressed, encrypted, base64-encoded content of the the data part of a tax declaration / statement.") public sigUser?: SigUser; /** @description The receiving ELSTER server. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The receiving ELSTER server.") public empfaenger?: Empfaenger; /** @description The identifier of the software manufacturer, through whose software the tax declaration is filed. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The identifier of the software manufacturer, through whose software the tax declaration is filed.", IsRequired=true) public herstellerID: string; /** @description The details of the provider that submits tax data. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The details of the provider that submits tax data.", IsRequired=true) public datenLieferant: string; /** @description The date of receipt of the tax data. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The date of receipt of the tax data.") public eingangsDatum?: string; /** @description The encryption data required for authenticated transmission of tax data. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The encryption data required for authenticated transmission of tax data.") public datei?: Datei; /** @description The return code of the transfer header and is included in the response XML of the ELSTER server. The value should never be set by the data provider. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The return code of the transfer header and is included in the response XML of the ELSTER server. The value should never be set by the data provider.") public rc?: RC; /** @description The details of the software that submits the tax data. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The details of the software that submits the tax data.") public versionClient?: string; /** @description Data extensions to the transfer header. */ // @ApiMember(Description="Data extensions to the transfer header.") public zusatz?: Zusatz; public constructor(init?: Partial) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } /** @description Represents a receriver ID */ export enum EmpfaengerID { L = 'L', F = 'F', } /** @description Represents a receiver of tax data. */ // @Api(Description="Represents a receiver of tax data.") export class NDHEmpfaenger { /** @description The identifier of the receiver. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The identifier of the receiver.") public id: EmpfaengerID; /** @description The value of the receiver. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The value of the receiver.") public value?: string; public constructor(init?: Partial) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } /** @description Represents a manufacturer/vendor of tax software. */ // @Api(Description="Represents a manufacturer/vendor of tax software.") export class Hersteller { /** @description The product name of the tax software produced by the manufacturer. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The product name of the tax software produced by the manufacturer.") public produktName?: string; /** @description The product version of the tax software produced by the manufacturer. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The product version of the tax software produced by the manufacturer.") public produktVersion?: string; public constructor(init?: Partial) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } /** @description Represents the header of a tax data. */ // @Api(Description="Represents the header of a tax data.") export class NutzdatenHeader { /** @description The version of the header. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The version of the header.", IsRequired=true) public version: string; /** @description The ticket identifier of the header. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The ticket identifier of the header.", IsRequired=true) public nutzdatenTicket: string; /** @description The receiver of the header. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The receiver of the header.", IsRequired=true) public empfaenger: NDHEmpfaenger; /** @description The software manufacturer, through whose software the tax declaration or filing is submitted. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The software manufacturer, through whose software the tax declaration or filing is submitted.", IsRequired=true) public hersteller: Hersteller; /** @description The details of the data provider (e.g. taxpayer, tax consulant or firm), who produced the tax data and it must not necessarily be the same person declared in the TransferHeader section. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The details of the data provider (e.g. taxpayer, tax consulant or firm), who produced the tax data and it must not necessarily be the same person declared in the TransferHeader section.") public datenLieferant?: string; /** @description The return code of the header. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The return code of the header.") public rc?: RC; /** @description The data extensions of the header. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The data extensions of the header.") public zusatz?: Zusatz; public constructor(init?: Partial) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } /** @description Represents an encapsulation of tax data content. */ // @Api(Description="Represents an encapsulation of tax data content.") export class Nutzdaten { /** @description The content of the tax data. This varies by tax declaration. Currently supported formats: Raw XML (text), XElement, and IXmlSerializable */ // @ApiMember(Description="The content of the tax data. This varies by tax declaration. Currently supported formats: Raw XML (text), XElement, and IXmlSerializable", IsRequired=true) public inhalt: Object; public constructor(init?: Partial) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } /** @description Represents a block of tax data. */ // @Api(Description="Represents a block of tax data.") export class Nutzdatenblock { /** @description The header part of the block. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The header part of the block.", IsRequired=true) public nutzdatenHeader: NutzdatenHeader; /** @description The data part of the block. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The data part of the block.", IsRequired=true) public nutzdaten: Nutzdaten; public constructor(init?: Partial) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } /** @description Represents the data part of an ELSTER document. */ // @Api(Description="Represents the data part of an ELSTER document.") export class DatenTeil { /** @description The blocks of tax data of the ELSTER document. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The blocks of tax data of the ELSTER document.", IsRequired=true) public nutzdatenbloecke: Nutzdatenblock[]; public constructor(init?: Partial) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } /** @description Represents an ELSTER document. */ // @Api(Description="Represents an ELSTER document.") export class Elster { /** @description The transfer header part of the ELSTER document. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The transfer header part of the ELSTER document.", IsRequired=true) public transferHeader: TransferHeader; /** @description The data (facts) part of the ELSTER document. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The data (facts) part of the ELSTER document.") public datenTeil?: DatenTeil; public constructor(init?: Partial) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } /** @description Represents a tax type. */ // @Api(Description="Represents a tax type.") export class Steuerart17 { /** @description The name of the tax type. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The name of the tax type.") public name?: string; /** @description The number of hits per tax type for an account or fingerprint. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The number of hits per tax type for an account or fingerprint.") public anzahlTreffer?: number; public constructor(init?: Partial) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } /** @description Represents a data group (data retrieval type) , which is possibly mapped to a tax type. */ // @Api(Description="Represents a data group (data retrieval type) , which is possibly mapped to a tax type.") export class Datengruppe17 { /** @description The name of the data group. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The name of the data group.") public name?: string; /** @description The tax type that is mapped to a data group. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The tax type that is mapped to a data group.") public steuerart?: Steuerart17; public constructor(init?: Partial) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } /** @description Represents a response to 'PostfachStatus' request. */ // @Api(Description="Represents a response to 'PostfachStatus' request.") export class PostfachStatusAntwort17 { /** @description Constraint: new /all. */ // @ApiMember(Description="Constraint: new /all.") public einschraenkung?: Einschraenkung; /** @description Start: Date (YYYYMMDD) */ // @ApiMember(Description="Start: Date (YYYYMMDD)") public von?: string; /** @description End: Date (YYYYMMDD) */ // @ApiMember(Description="End: Date (YYYYMMDD)") public bis?: string; /** @description Data Type Group */ // @ApiMember(Description="Data Type Group") public datengruppe?: Datengruppe17; public constructor(init?: Partial) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } export interface ISecuredCertificate { pin?: string; } /** @description Represents a server response that encapsulates status information about retrieved result hits per data group and tax type for a user account or fingerprint. */ // @Api(Description="Represents a server response that encapsulates status information about retrieved result hits per data group and tax type for a user account or fingerprint.") export class PostfachStatusResponse17 extends EricFehlerCodeResponse { /** @description PostfachStatusAnfrage Response */ // @ApiMember(Description="PostfachStatusAnfrage Response") public postfachStatusAntwort?: PostfachStatusAntwort17; /** @description The return value of the ELSTER data retrieval process. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The return value of the ELSTER data retrieval process.") public rueckgabe?: EricBearbeiteVorgang; /** @description The server response of the ELSTER data retrieval process. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The server response of the ELSTER data retrieval process.") public serverantwort?: Elster; /** @description The status code that the ERiC API function returns. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The status code that the ERiC API function returns.", Name="StatusCode") public statusCode: EricFehlerCode; /** @description The status message that the ERiC API function returns. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The status message that the ERiC API function returns.", Name="StatusText") public statusText?: string; /** @description The unique identifier of the response. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The unique identifier of the response.", Name="Id") public id: string; /** @description The position of the response element in an indexed collection. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The position of the response element in an indexed collection.", Name="Index") public index: number; /** @description Metadata that contains structured error information on the service response. */ // @ApiMember(Description="Metadata that contains structured error information on the service response.", Name="ResponseStatus") public responseStatus?: ResponseStatus; public constructor(init?: Partial) { super(init); (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } /** @description Represents the base service request to retrive the number of hits per data group and per tax type for an account or fingerprint. */ // @Route("/datenabholungen/status/17/PostfachStatus", "POST") // @Api(Description="Represents the base service request to retrive the number of hits per data group and per tax type for an account or fingerprint.") export class PostfachStatusRequest17 extends PostfachStatusRequestBase17 implements IReturn { /** @description The search criteria of the service request. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The search criteria of the service request.", Name="Suchkriterien") public suchkriterien: PostfachStatus17[]; /** @description The authentification certificate. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The authentification certificate.", IsRequired=true, Name="Zertifikat") public zertifikat: PortalCertificate; /** @description The retrieval code. This value MUST be given for the tax operation ElsterDatenabholung and tax tax type ElsterVaStDaten, for which a SoftPSE certificate is used to sign.In other cases a null value should be given. It consists of 2 x 5 characters, which are joined by '-'. Example: 'K6FG5 - RS32P'. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The retrieval code. This value MUST be given for the tax operation ElsterDatenabholung and tax tax type ElsterVaStDaten, for which a SoftPSE certificate is used to sign.In other cases a null value should be given. It consists of 2 x 5 characters, which are joined by '-'. Example: 'K6FG5 - RS32P'.", Name="AbrufCode") public abrufCode?: string; /** @description The details of the provider that submits the tax data. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The details of the provider that submits the tax data.", IsRequired=true, Name="DatenLieferant") public datenLieferant: string; public constructor(init?: Partial) { super(init); (Object as any).assign(this, init); } public getTypeName() { return 'PostfachStatusRequest17'; } public getMethod() { return 'POST'; } public createResponse() { return new PostfachStatusResponse17(); } }