Tax Filing Service

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An asynchronous service to submit an filing of the special advance payment for VAT (Umsatzsteuer-sondervorauszahlung) as a tax consultant for 2021.

Requires Authentication
The following routes are available for this service:
namespace PwC.DigitalHub.Utilities.Domain.IO.Contracts

open System
open System.IO
open System.Collections
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Runtime.Serialization
open ServiceStack
open ServiceStack.DataAnnotations

    ///Specifies a service response from an ERiC service operation.
    [<Api(Description="Specifies a service response from an ERiC service operation.")>]
    type ServiceReponseBase() = 
        ///The unique identifier of the response.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The unique identifier of the response.")>]
        member val Id:String = null with get,set

        ///The position of the response element in an indexed collection.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The position of the response element in an indexed collection.")>]
        member val Index:Nullable<Int32> = new Nullable<Int32>() with get,set

        ///Metadata that contains structured error information on the service response.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Metadata that contains structured error information on the service response.")>]
        member val ResponseStatus:ResponseStatus = null with get,set

    ///Enumeration of ERiC API error codes.
    type EricFehlerCode =
        | ERIC_OK = 0
        | ERIC_GLOBAL_UNKNOWN = 610001001
        | ERIC_GLOBAL_PRUEF_FEHLER = 610001002
        | ERIC_GLOBAL_HINWEISE = 610001003
        | ERIC_GLOBAL_ILLEGAL_STATE = 610001017
        | ERIC_GLOBAL_DATENSATZ_ZU_GROSS = 610001026
        | ERIC_GLOBAL_ERROR_XML_CREATE = 610001030
        | ERIC_GLOBAL_INTERNER_FEHLER = 610001032
        | ERIC_GLOBAL_BUFANR_UNBEKANNT = 610001038
        | ERIC_GLOBAL_PUFFER_UEBERLAUF = 610001041
        | ERIC_GLOBAL_LOG_EXCEPTION = 610001046
        | ERIC_GLOBAL_TRANSFERHANDLE = 610001227
        | ERIC_GLOBAL_NULL_PARAMETER = 610001526
        | ERIC_GLOBAL_EWAZ_UNGUELTIG = 610001527
        | ERIC_GLOBAL_UPDATE_NECESSARY = 610001851
        | ERIC_GLOBAL_ERR_DEKODIEREN = 610001862
        | ERIC_TRANSFER_COM_ERROR = 610101200
        | ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_XML_THEADER = 610101210
        | ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_PARAM = 610101251
        | ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_SEND = 610101271
        | ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_NORESPONSE = 610101279
        | ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_PROXYAUTH = 610101280
        | ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_SEND_INIT = 610101282
        | ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_TIMEOUT = 610101283
        | ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_OTHER = 610101291
        | ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_XML_NHEADER = 610101292
        | ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_XML_ENCODING = 610101293
        | ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_ENDSIGUSER = 610101294
        | ERIC_TRANSFER_EID_KEINKONTO = 610101510
        | ERIC_TRANSFER_EID_KEINCLIENT = 610101520
        | ERIC_CRYPT_ERROR_CREATE_KEY = 610201016
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_INVALID_HANDLE = 610201101
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_MAX_SESSION = 610201102
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_BUSY = 610201103
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_OUT_OF_MEM = 610201104
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_PSE_PATH = 610201105
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_PIN_WRONG = 610201106
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_PIN_LOCKED = 610201107
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_P7_READ = 610201108
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_P7_DECODE = 610201109
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_P7_RECIPIENT = 610201110
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_P12_READ = 610201111
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_P12_DECODE = 610201112
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_P12_SIG_KEY = 610201113
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_P12_ENC_KEY = 610201114
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_P11_SIG_KEY = 610201115
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_P11_ENC_KEY = 610201116
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_XML_PARSE = 610201117
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_XML_SIG_ADD = 610201118
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_XML_SIG_TAG = 610201119
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_XML_SIG_SIGN = 610201120
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_ENCODE_UNKNOWN = 610201121
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_ENCODE_ERROR = 610201122
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_XML_INIT = 610201123
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_ENCRYPT = 610201124
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_DECRYPT = 610201125
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_P11_SLOT_EMPTY = 610201126
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_NO_SIG_ENC_KEY = 610201127
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_LOAD_DLL = 610201128
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_NO_SERVICE = 610201129
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_ESICL_EXCEPTION = 610201130
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_TOKEN_TYPE_MISMATCH = 610201144
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_P12_CREATE = 610201146
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_VERIFY_CERT_CHAIN = 610201147
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_P11_ENGINE_LOADED = 610201148
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_USER_CANCEL = 610201149
        | ERIC_CRYPT_ZERTIFIKAT = 610201200
        | ERIC_CRYPT_SIGNATUR = 610201201
        | ERIC_CRYPT_PIN_BENOETIGT = 610201205
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_INTERN = 610201208
        | ERIC_CRYPT_CORRUPTED = 610201213
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_SC_SLOT_EMPTY = 610201215
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_SC_NO_APPLET = 610201216
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_SC_SESSION = 610201217
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_P11_NO_SIG_CERT = 610201218
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_P11_INIT_FAILED = 610201219
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_P11_NO_ENC_CERT = 610201220
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_P12_NO_SIG_CERT = 610201221
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_P12_NO_ENC_CERT = 610201222
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_SC_ENC_KEY = 610201223
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_SC_NO_SIG_CERT = 610201224
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_SC_NO_ENC_CERT = 610201225
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_SC_INIT_FAILED = 610201226
        | ERIC_CRYPT_E_SC_SIG_KEY = 610201227
        | ERIC_IO_FEHLER = 610301001
        | ERIC_IO_DATEI_INKORREKT = 610301005
        | ERIC_IO_PARSE_FEHLER = 610301006
        | ERIC_IO_STEUERZEICHEN_IM_NDS = 610301014
        | ERIC_IO_FALSCHES_VERFAHREN = 610301104
        | ERIC_IO_READER_FORMALE_FEHLER = 610301107
        | ERIC_IO_UNBEKANNTE_DATENART = 610301111
        | ERIC_IO_READER_RABE_FEHLER = 610301170
        | ERIC_IO_READER_KEINE_RABEID = 610301171
        | ERIC_IO_READER_ZU_VIELE_ANHAENGE = 610301190
        | ERIC_IO_READER_ANHANG_ZU_GROSS = 610301191
        | ERIC_IO_READER_ANHAENGE_ZU_GROSS = 610301192
        | ERIC_IO_DATENTEILNOTFOUND = 610301252
        | ERIC_IO_UNGUELTIGE_UTF8_SEQUENZ = 610301400
        | ERIC_PRINT_INTERNER_FEHLER = 610501001
        | ERIC_PRINT_FUSSTEXT_ZU_LANG = 610501012
        | ERIC_PRINT_PDFCALLBACK = 610501015

    ///Represent a base response that encapsulate any ERiC API function return value.
    [<Api(Description="Represent a base response that encapsulate any ERiC API function return value.")>]
    type EricFehlerCodeResponse() = 
        inherit ServiceReponseBase()
        ///The status code that the ERiC API function returns.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The status code that the ERiC API function returns.")>]
        member val StatusCode:EricFehlerCode = new EricFehlerCode() with get,set

        ///The status message that the ERiC API function returns.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The status message that the ERiC API function returns.")>]
        member val StatusText:String = null with get,set

    ///Represents information returned from a successful tax declaration process.
    [<Api(Description="Represents information returned from a successful tax declaration process.")>]
    type Erfolg() = 
        ///The generated tele-number for the successful tax declaration process.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The generated tele-number for the successful tax declaration process.")>]
        member val Telenummer:ResizeArray<String> = null with get,set

        ///The classification key for the successful tax declaration process.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The classification key for the successful tax declaration process.")>]
        member val Ordnungsbegriffe:ResizeArray<String> = null with get,set

    ///Represents information on the delivery.
    [<Api(Description="Represents information on the delivery.")>]
    type Transfer() = 
        ///The ticket of the transfer.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The ticket of the transfer.")>]
        member val TransferTicket:String = null with get,set

    ///Represents information on all data deliveries, including deliveries that have not been confirmed by the server. For more information, see the ERiC developer manual in the 'TransferTicket' section.
    [<Api(Description="Represents information on all data deliveries, including deliveries that have not been confirmed by the server. For more information, see the ERiC developer manual in the 'TransferTicket' section.")>]
    type Transfers() = 
        ///Contains information on all data deliveries, including deliveries that have not been confirmed by the server.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Contains information on all data deliveries, including deliveries that have not been confirmed by the server.")>]
        member val TransferList:ResizeArray<Transfer> = null with get,set

    ///Represents value of an index field, which identfies the context about an error message.
    [<Api(Description="Represents value of an index field, which identfies the context about an error message.")>]
    type SemantischerIndex() = 
        ///The name of the index field.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The name of the index field.")>]
        member val Name:String = null with get,set

        ///The value of the index field.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The value of the index field.")>]
        member val Value:String = null with get,set

    ///Represents information on an ERiC reference.
    [<Api(Description="Represents information on an ERiC reference.")>]
    type FehlerRegelpruefung() = 
        ///The user data ticket of the reference.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The user data ticket of the reference.")>]
        member val Nutzdatenticket:String = null with get,set

        ///The field identifier of the reference.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The field identifier of the reference.")>]
        member val Feldidentifikator:String = null with get,set

        ///The multi-line index of the reference.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The multi-line index of the reference.")>]
        member val Mehrfachzeilenindex:String = null with get,set

        ///The delivery number form of the reference.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The delivery number form of the reference.")>]
        member val LfdNrVordruck:String = null with get,set

        ///Indicates the line number of the error field mentioned in the form.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Indicates the line number of the error field mentioned in the form.")>]
        member val VordruckZeilennummer:String = null with get,set

        ///Specifies the value of one or more index fields that identify the context of error messages.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Specifies the value of one or more index fields that identify the context of error messages.")>]
        member val SemantischeIndexes:ResizeArray<SemantischerIndex> = null with get,set

        ///The sub-subject-area of the reference.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The sub-subject-area of the reference.")>]
        member val Untersachbereich:String = null with get,set

        ///The private identification number of the reference.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The private identification number of the reference.")>]
        member val PrivateKennnummer:String = null with get,set

        ///The name of the rule that applies to the reference.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The name of the rule that applies to the reference.")>]
        member val RegelName:String = null with get,set

        ///The technical error identifier of the reference.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The technical error identifier of the reference.")>]
        member val FachlicheFehlerId:String = null with get,set

        ///The textual details of the reference.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The textual details of the reference.")>]
        member val Text:String = null with get,set

    type Hinweis() = 
        ///The user data ticket of the reference.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The user data ticket of the reference.")>]
        member val Nutzdatenticket:String = null with get,set

        ///The field identifier of the reference.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The field identifier of the reference.")>]
        member val Feldidentifikator:String = null with get,set

        ///The multi-line index of the reference.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The multi-line index of the reference.")>]
        member val Mehrfachzeilenindex:String = null with get,set

        ///The delivery number form of the reference.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The delivery number form of the reference.")>]
        member val LfdNrVordruck:String = null with get,set

        ///Indicates the line number of the error field mentioned in the form.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Indicates the line number of the error field mentioned in the form.")>]
        member val VordruckZeilennummer:String = null with get,set

        ///Specifies the value of one or more index fields that identify the context of error messages.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Specifies the value of one or more index fields that identify the context of error messages.")>]
        member val SemantischeIndexes:ResizeArray<SemantischerIndex> = null with get,set

        ///The sub-subject-area of the reference.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The sub-subject-area of the reference.")>]
        member val Untersachbereich:String = null with get,set

        ///The private identification number of the reference.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The private identification number of the reference.")>]
        member val PrivateKennnummer:String = null with get,set

        ///The name of the rule that applies to the reference.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The name of the rule that applies to the reference.")>]
        member val RegelName:String = null with get,set

        ///The technical note identifier of the reference.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The technical note identifier of the reference.")>]
        member val FachlicheHinweisId:String = null with get,set

        ///The textual details of the reference.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The textual details of the reference.")>]
        member val Text:String = null with get,set

    ///Represents a structure that contains the first output of the ERiC tax data submission process.
    [<Api(Description="Represents a structure that contains the first output of the ERiC tax data submission process.")>]
    type EricBearbeiteVorgang() = 
        ///Information from the successful processing a tax declaration.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Information from the successful processing a tax declaration.")>]
        member val Erfolg:Erfolg = null with get,set

        ///Gets or sets information on all data deliveries, including deliveries that have not been confirmed by the server.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Gets or sets information on all data deliveries, including deliveries that have not been confirmed by the server.")>]
        member val Transfers:Transfers = null with get,set

        ///Error rules that result from the processing of a tax declaration.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Error rules that result from the processing of a tax declaration.")>]
        member val FehlerRegelpruefungen:ResizeArray<FehlerRegelpruefung> = null with get,set

        ///Hints that result the processing of a tax declaration.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Hints that result the processing of a tax declaration.")>]
        member val Hinweise:ResizeArray<Hinweis> = null with get,set

    ///Auflistung der gültigen Verfahren
    type Verfahren =
        | ElsterAnmeldung = 0
        | ElsterBereitstellung = 1
        | ElsterBilanz = 2
        | ElsterBRM = 3
        | ElsterBRMOrg = 4
        | ElsterDatenabholung = 5
        | ElsterErklaerung = 6
        | ElsterExtern = 7
        | ElsterFSE = 8
        | ElsterKapESt = 9
        | ElsterKMV = 10
        | ElsterKontoabfrage = 11
        | ElsterLavendel = 12
        | ElsterLohn = 13
        | ElsterLohn2 = 14
        | ElsterNachricht = 15
        | ElsterSignatur = 16
        | ElsterVollmachtDB = 17
        | ElsterRabe = 18

    ///Auflistung aller gültigen Datenarten.
    type Datenart =
        | Anlage34a = 0
        | AnpassungVorauszahlung = 1
        | AntragUStVerguetung4a = 2
        | AbrufcodeAntrag = 3
        | AenderungAdresse = 4
        | AbrufcodeStorno = 5
        | AbrufvollmachtAnlage = 6
        | AbrufvollmachtUpdate = 7
        | AenderungBankverbindung = 8
        | AntraegeRechteLoeschen = 9
        | AntraegeUndRechte = 10
        | Aufzeichnung146a = 11
        | Bilanz = 12
        | Belegnachreichung = 13
        | BSBMitteilung = 14
        | BZSt2 = 15
        | C19Mitteilung = 16
        | DUeAbmelden = 17
        | DUeAnmelden = 18
        | DUeUmmelden = 19
        | Einspruch = 20
        | EinspruchNachtrag = 21
        | EinspruchRuecknahme = 22
        | ELeVAntragELStAM = 23
        | ELeVErmaessigung = 24
        | ELeVGetrenntlebend = 25
        | ELeVSteuerklassenwechsel = 26
        | ELeVWiederaufnahmeEhe = 27
        | EPAntwort = 28
        | EPBescheid = 29
        | EPMitteilung = 30
        | EPKurzmitteilung = 31
        | ElsterErklaerungDaten = 32
        | ElsterKMVDaten = 33
        | ElsterLohn2Daten = 34
        | ElsterLohnDaten = 35
        | ElsterVaStDaten = 36
        | ElsterDIVADaten = 37
        | ElsterDIVDaten = 38
        | ElsterEPBescheidDaten = 39
        | ElsterEPMitteilungDaten = 40
        | EPStBescheidAbholung = 41
        | EPStMitteilungAbholung = 42
        | Erbschaftsteuer = 43
        | ESt = 44
        | EStbeschraenkt = 45
        | EUER = 46
        | EUn = 47
        | FEIN = 48
        | KStAntragOptionPersG = 49
        | FLHMitteilung = 50
        | FreistellungKapitalertraegeBV = 51
        | Fristverlaengerung = 52
        | FsEVerein = 53
        | Gewerbemeldung = 54
        | GDBMitteilung = 55
        | Gewinnermittlung13aEStG = 56
        | GewSt = 57
        | GewStZ = 58
        | GrundsteuerBW = 59
        | GrundsteuerBY = 60
        | GrundsteuerHE = 61
        | GrundsteuerHH = 62
        | GrundsteuerNI = 63
        | GrundsteuerAendAZ = 64
        | GrundsteuerAendAZBW = 65
        | GrundsteuerAendAZBY = 66
        | GrundsteuerAendAZHE = 67
        | GrundsteuerAendAZHH = 68
        | GrundsteuerAendAZNI = 69
        | Grundsteuerwert = 70
        | InvStG56Abs5 = 71
        | InvStG51Feststellung = 72
        | IBANMeldung = 73
        | KapEStA = 74
        | KapEStInvStG = 75
        | KapG = 76
        | KapGAus = 77
        | KKVMitteilung = 78
        | Kontoabfrage = 79
        | Kontoinformation = 80
        | KSt = 81
        | KStAntragEinlagenrueck = 82
        | KStZ = 83
        | KStZerlegungVZ = 84
        | KTTAnmeldungHH = 85
        | KTTAnzeigeHH = 86
        | Lohnersatzleistung = 87
        | LohnersatzMitteilung = 88
        | LStA = 89
        | LStB = 90
        | LStHVVMAnlage = 91
        | LStHVVMUpdate = 92
        | LSTMitteilung = 93
        | OGHMitteilung = 94
        | MindestStUnternehmenEU = 95
        | MVOMitteilung = 96
        | MVZMitteilung = 97
        | FZLMitteilung = 98
        | NEKMitteilung = 99
        | VermoegenswirksameLeistung = 100
        | VMWiderruf = 101
        | VollmachtDetails = 102
        | VNoVMVRegistrierung = 103
        | VNoVMVUpdate = 104
        | VNoVMVLoeschung = 105
        | VollfAAnlage = 106
        | VollfAUpdate = 107
        | VMoVMVStBAnlage = 108
        | VMoVMVStBUpdate = 109
        | VMoVMVFreischaltung = 110
        | DIVADatenBZSt = 111
        | DivaEinwilligungAnlageBRM = 112
        | DivaEinwilligungFreisch = 113
        | DivaEinwilligungUpdateBRM = 114
        | DivaWiderrufBRM = 115
        | DivaErgebnisliste = 116
        | LStHVDivaAdresseBRM = 117
        | VMErgebnisListeVNSicht = 118
        | PersG = 119
        | PostfachAnfrage = 120
        | PostfachStatus = 121
        | ProtokollAnforderung = 122
        | RabeExtDatenhaltungCheck = 123
        | RabeExtDatenhaltungPflege = 124
        | Registrierung = 125
        | Schenkungsteuer = 126
        | SonstigeNachrichten = 127
        | SpezRechtAntrag = 128
        | SpezRechtFreischaltung = 129
        | SpezRechtListe = 130
        | SpezRechtStorno = 131
        | SpezRechtTeilnahme = 132
        | StAb50a = 133
        | StAbS50a = 134
        | Statusabfrage = 135
        | StundungAntrag = 136
        | UnentgeltlicheDepotuebertragung = 137
        | UENSTAnmeldungBE = 138
        | UENSTAnzeigeBE = 139
        | USt = 140
        | UStAKfzEinzel = 141
        | UStVA = 142
        | UStDV = 143
        | UStSV = 144
        | VAGMitteilung = 145
        | VGNAnmeldungHB = 146
        | VGNAnmeldungBE = 147
        | VGNAnmeldungHH = 148
        | VGNAnzeigeHH = 149
        | VGNAnzeigeBE = 150
        | WTBAnmeldungHB = 151
        | ZMDO = 152
        | ElsterVollmachtDaten = 153
        | MitteilungAbholung = 154
        | PostfachBestaetigung = 155

    ///Hauptinformation ob die Daten authentifiziert wurden (send-Auth) oder nicht (send-NoSig)
    type Vorgang =
        | Send_Auth = 0
        | Send_Auth_Part = 1
        | Send_NoSig = 2
        | Send_NoSig_Part = 3

    ///Kennzeichnung der Datenlieferung ob es sich um einen Testfall handelt, gilt fuer die gesamte Datenlieferung. Ein Echtfall enthält dieses Element nicht. Ein Testfall muss mit einem Testmerker versehen werden, damit er nicht wie ein Echtfall verarbeitet wird. Handelt es sich um Daten, die nur zum Testen des Frontends versendet wurden, müssen sie nicht mehr weiter verarbeitet werden.
    type Testmerker =
        | TM010000001 = 10000001
        | TM080000001 = 80000001
        | TM160000001 = 160000001
        | TM160000002 = 160000002
        | TM220000000 = 220000000
        | TM220002000 = 220002000
        | TM230000001 = 230000001
        | TM240000000 = 240000000
        | TM300000002 = 300000002
        | TM370000001 = 370000001
        | TM520000000 = 520000000
        | TM700000001 = 700000001
        | TM700000004 = 700000004

    ///Represents the signature and associated information of the compressed, encrypted, base64-encoded content of the data part of the tax declaration/statement.
    [<Api(Description="Represents the signature and associated information of the compressed, encrypted, base64-encoded content of the data part of the tax declaration/statement.")>]
    type SigUser() = 
        ///The content of the data. Currently supported: Raw XML (text), XElement or IXmlSerializable
        [<ApiMember(Description="The content of the data. Currently supported: Raw XML (text), XElement or IXmlSerializable")>]
        member val Inhalt:Object = null with get,set

    ///Represents a receiver of tax data.
    [<Api(Description="Represents a receiver of tax data.")>]
    type Empfaenger() = 
        ///The identifier of the receiver.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The identifier of the receiver.", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val Id:String = null with get,set

        ///The destination of the receiver.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The destination of the receiver.")>]
        member val Ziel:String = null with get,set

    ///Protokoll der Verschluesselung. Es kann vorkommen, dass verschieden Verschluesselungsarten eingesetzt werden, eine Unterscheidung ist hier nötig, um das richtige Entschluesselungstool anzusteuern. Mit welcher Verschluesselungsart wurden die Inhalte von den Elementen 'DatenLieferant' und ggf. 'SigUser' im TransferHeader und dem Element 'DatenTeil' verschluesselt
    type Verschluesselungsart =
        | PKCS_7v1_5 = 0
        | PKCS_7v1_5enveloped = 1
        | NO_BASE64 = 2
        | CMSEncryptedData = 3
        | CMSEnvelopedData = 4
        | EnvelopedData__RSA_OAEP__AES_128__GZip__B64 = 5

    ///Mit welcher Kompression wurden die Inhalte von den Elementen DatenLieferant und ggf. SigUser im TransferHeader und dem Element DatenTeil komprimiert.
    type Kompression =
        | GZIP = 0
        | NO_BASE64 = 1

    ///[Documentation unavailable]
    [<Api(Description="[Documentation unavailable]")>]
    type EricTyp() = 
        ///The content of the data. Currently supported: Raw XML (text), XmlElement, XElement or IXmlSerializable
        [<ApiMember(Description="The content of the data. Currently supported: Raw XML (text), XmlElement, XElement or IXmlSerializable")>]
        member val Inhalt:Object = null with get,set

    ///[Documentation unavailable]
    [<Api(Description="[Documentation unavailable]")>]
    type Erstellung() = 
        ///[Documentation unavailable]
        [<ApiMember(Description="[Documentation unavailable]")>]
        member val Eric:EricTyp = null with get,set

    ///Represents information on the encryption of tax data.
    [<Api(Description="Represents information on the encryption of tax data.")>]
    type Datei() = 
        ///The type of data encryption used.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The type of data encryption used.", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val Verschluesselung:Verschluesselungsart = new Verschluesselungsart() with get,set

        ///The type of data compression used.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The type of data compression used.", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val Kompression:Kompression = new Kompression() with get,set

        ///The transport key used in the encryption.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The transport key used in the encryption.")>]
        member val TransportSchluessel:String = null with get,set

        ///[Documentation unavailable]
        [<ApiMember(Description="[Documentation unavailable]")>]
        member val Erstellung:Erstellung = null with get,set

    ///Represents an external error stack.
    [<Api(Description="Represents an external error stack.")>]
    type Rueckgabe() = 
        ///The external error code. Either a zero (0) if no external errors occurred; otherwise an error number.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The external error code. Either a zero (0) if no external errors occurred; otherwise an error number.", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val Code:String = null with get,set

        ///The external error message.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The external error message.", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val Text:String = null with get,set

    ///Represents an internal error stack.
    [<Api(Description="Represents an internal error stack.")>]
    type Stack() = 
        ///The internal error code. Either a zero (0) if no internal errors occurred; otherwise an error number.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The internal error code. Either a zero (0) if no internal errors occurred; otherwise an error number.", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val Code:String = null with get,set

        ///The external error message.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The external error message.", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val Text:String = null with get,set

    ///Represents an ERiC return code.
    [<Api(Description="Represents an ERiC return code.")>]
    type RC() = 
        ///The return value of the return code.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The return value of the return code.", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val Rueckgabe:Rueckgabe = null with get,set

        ///The internal value of the return code.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The internal value of the return code.")>]
        member val Stack:Stack = null with get,set

    ///Represents an ERiC extension.
    [<Api(Description="Represents an ERiC extension.")>]
    type Zusatz() = 
        ///The user-customizable items for the extension. Data providers can use these items for their own extensions/information.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The user-customizable items for the extension. Data providers can use these items for their own extensions/information.")>]
        member val Infos:ResizeArray<String> = null with get,set

        ///The ELSTER items for the extension. They can be included in the response XML from the ELSTER server, if special information must be returned to the user after data submission. For example, for authenticated submission, information about impending certificate expiration etc. It must not be supplied by the data provider (even when empty).
        [<ApiMember(Description="The ELSTER items for the extension. They can be included in the response XML from the ELSTER server, if special information must be returned to the user after data submission. For example, for authenticated submission, information about impending certificate expiration etc. It must not be supplied by the data provider (even when empty).")>]
        member val ElsterInfos:ResizeArray<String> = null with get,set

    ///Represents the transfer header part of an ELSTER document.
    [<Api(Description="Represents the transfer header part of an ELSTER document.")>]
    type TransferHeader() = 
        ///The version of the transfer header.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The version of the transfer header.", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val Version:String = null with get,set

        ///The tax operation used in the ELSTER process.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The tax operation used in the ELSTER process.", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val Verfahren:Verfahren = new Verfahren() with get,set

        ///The tax data type of the ELSTER process.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The tax data type of the ELSTER process.", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val DatenArt:Datenart = new Datenart() with get,set

        ///The authentification procedure of the ELSTER process.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The authentification procedure of the ELSTER process.", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val Vorgang:Vorgang = new Vorgang() with get,set

        ///The ticket identifier after a successful ELSTER process.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The ticket identifier after a successful ELSTER process.")>]
        member val TransferTicket:String = null with get,set

        ///The flag that indicates whether the tax declaration or filing is a test case. For production purposes, this value should not be set.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The flag that indicates whether the tax declaration or filing is a test case. For production purposes, this value should not be set.")>]
        member val Testmerker:Nullable<Testmerker> = new Nullable<Testmerker>() with get,set

        ///The signature and associated information on the compressed, encrypted, base64-encoded content of the the data part of a tax declaration / statement.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The signature and associated information on the compressed, encrypted, base64-encoded content of the the data part of a tax declaration / statement.")>]
        member val SigUser:SigUser = null with get,set

        ///The receiving ELSTER server.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The receiving ELSTER server.")>]
        member val Empfaenger:Empfaenger = null with get,set

        ///The identifier of the software manufacturer, through whose software the tax declaration is filed.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The identifier of the software manufacturer, through whose software the tax declaration is filed.", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val HerstellerID:String = null with get,set

        ///The details of the provider that submits tax data.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The details of the provider that submits tax data.", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val DatenLieferant:String = null with get,set

        ///The date of receipt of the tax data.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The date of receipt of the tax data.")>]
        member val EingangsDatum:Nullable<DateTime> = new Nullable<DateTime>() with get,set

        ///The encryption data required for authenticated transmission of tax data.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The encryption data required for authenticated transmission of tax data.", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val Datei:Datei = null with get,set

        ///The return code of the transfer header and is included in the response XML of the ELSTER server. The value should never be set by the data provider.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The return code of the transfer header and is included in the response XML of the ELSTER server. The value should never be set by the data provider.")>]
        member val RC:RC = null with get,set

        ///The details of the software that submits the tax data.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The details of the software that submits the tax data.")>]
        member val VersionClient:String = null with get,set

        ///Data extensions to the transfer header.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Data extensions to the transfer header.")>]
        member val Zusatz:Zusatz = null with get,set

    ///Represents a receriver ID
    type EmpfaengerID =
        | L = 0
        | F = 1

    ///Represents a receiver of tax data.
    [<Api(Description="Represents a receiver of tax data.")>]
    type NDHEmpfaenger() = 
        ///The identifier of the receiver.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The identifier of the receiver.", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val Id:EmpfaengerID = new EmpfaengerID() with get,set

        ///The value of the receiver.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The value of the receiver.", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val Value:String = null with get,set

    ///Represents a manufacturer/vendor of tax software.
    [<Api(Description="Represents a manufacturer/vendor of tax software.")>]
    type Hersteller() = 
        ///The product name of the tax software produced by the manufacturer.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The product name of the tax software produced by the manufacturer.", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val ProduktName:String = null with get,set

        ///The product version of the tax software produced by the manufacturer.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The product version of the tax software produced by the manufacturer.", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val ProduktVersion:String = null with get,set

    ///Represents the header of a tax data.
    [<Api(Description="Represents the header of a tax data.")>]
    type NutzdatenHeader() = 
        ///The version of the header.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The version of the header.", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val Version:String = null with get,set

        ///The ticket identifier of the header.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The ticket identifier of the header.", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val NutzdatenTicket:String = null with get,set

        ///The receiver of the header.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The receiver of the header.", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val Empfaenger:NDHEmpfaenger = null with get,set

        ///The software manufacturer, through whose software the tax declaration or filing is submitted.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The software manufacturer, through whose software the tax declaration or filing is submitted.", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val Hersteller:Hersteller = null with get,set

        ///The details of the data provider (e.g. taxpayer, tax consulant or firm), who produced the tax data and it must not necessarily be the same person declared in the TransferHeader section.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The details of the data provider (e.g. taxpayer, tax consulant or firm), who produced the tax data and it must not necessarily be the same person declared in the TransferHeader section.")>]
        member val DatenLieferant:String = null with get,set

        ///The return code of the header.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The return code of the header.")>]
        member val RC:RC = null with get,set

        ///The data extensions of the header.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The data extensions of the header.")>]
        member val Zusatz:Zusatz = null with get,set

    ///Represents an encapsulation of tax data content.
    [<Api(Description="Represents an encapsulation of tax data content.")>]
    type Nutzdaten() = 
        ///The content of the tax data. This varies by tax declaration. Currently supported formats: Raw XML (text), XElement, and IXmlSerializable
        [<ApiMember(Description="The content of the tax data. This varies by tax declaration. Currently supported formats: Raw XML (text), XElement, and IXmlSerializable", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val Inhalt:Object = null with get,set

    ///Represents a block of tax data.
    [<Api(Description="Represents a block of tax data.")>]
    type Nutzdatenblock() = 
        ///The header part of the block.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The header part of the block.", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val NutzdatenHeader:NutzdatenHeader = null with get,set

        ///The data part of the block.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The data part of the block.", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val Nutzdaten:Nutzdaten = null with get,set

    ///Represents the data part of an ELSTER document.
    [<Api(Description="Represents the data part of an ELSTER document.")>]
    type DatenTeil() = 
        ///The blocks of tax data of the ELSTER document.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The blocks of tax data of the ELSTER document.", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val Nutzdatenbloecke:ResizeArray<Nutzdatenblock> = null with get,set

    ///Represents an ELSTER document.
    [<Api(Description="Represents an ELSTER document.")>]
    type Elster() = 
        ///The transfer header part of the ELSTER document.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The transfer header part of the ELSTER document.", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val TransferHeader:TransferHeader = null with get,set

        ///The data (facts) part of the ELSTER document.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The data (facts) part of the ELSTER document.", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val DatenTeil:DatenTeil = null with get,set

    ///Represents a base class for a file with raw data.
    [<Api(Description="Represents a base class for a file with raw data.")>]
    type FileBase() = 
        ///The raw data content of the file in bytes.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The raw data content of the file in bytes.", Name="Content")>]
        member val Content:Byte[] = null with get,set

    ///Represents information about a file or directory.
    [<Api(Description="Represents information about a file or directory.")>]
    type FileMetadata() = 
        ///The name of the file.For files, gets the name of the file.For directories, gets the name of the last directory in the hierarchy if a hierarchy exists; otherwise, the name of the directory.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The name of the file.\nFor files, gets the name of the file.\nFor directories, gets the name of the last directory in the hierarchy if a hierarchy exists; otherwise, the name of the directory.")>]
        member val Name:String = null with get,set

        ///The full path of the directory or file.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The full path of the directory or file.")>]
        member val FullName:String = null with get,set

        ///The time the current file or directory was last accessed.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The time the current file or directory was last accessed.")>]
        member val LastAccessTime:DateTime = new DateTime() with get,set

        ///The name of the file.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The name of the file.")>]
        member val LastAccessTimeUtc:DateTime = new DateTime() with get,set

        ///The time when the current file or directory was last written to.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The time when the current file or directory was last written to.")>]
        member val LastWriteTime:DateTime = new DateTime() with get,set

        ///The time, in coordinated universal time (UTC), when the current file or directory was last written to.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The time, in coordinated universal time (UTC), when the current file or directory was last written to.")>]
        member val LastWriteTimeUtc:DateTime = new DateTime() with get,set

        ///The size, in bytes, of the current file.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The size, in bytes, of the current file.")>]
        member val Length:Int64 = new Int64() with get,set

        ///The size, in bytes, of the current file.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The size, in bytes, of the current file.")>]
        member val UserId:Int32 = new Int32() with get,set

        ///The file group id.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The file group id.")>]
        member val GroupId:Int32 = new Int32() with get,set

        ///A value that indicates whether the others can read from this file.
        [<ApiMember(Description="A value that indicates whether the others can read from this file.")>]
        member val OthersCanRead:Boolean = new Boolean() with get,set

        ///A value that indicates whether the group members can execute this file.
        [<ApiMember(Description="A value that indicates whether the group members can execute this file.")>]
        member val GroupCanExecute:Boolean = new Boolean() with get,set

        ///A value that indicates whether the group members can write into this file.
        [<ApiMember(Description="A value that indicates whether the group members can write into this file.")>]
        member val GroupCanWrite:Boolean = new Boolean() with get,set

        ///A value that indicates whether the group members can read from this file.
        [<ApiMember(Description="A value that indicates whether the group members can read from this file.")>]
        member val GroupCanRead:Boolean = new Boolean() with get,set

        ///A value that indicates whether the owner can execute this file.
        [<ApiMember(Description="A value that indicates whether the owner can execute this file.")>]
        member val OwnerCanExecute:Boolean = new Boolean() with get,set

        ///A value that indicates whether the owner can write into this file.
        [<ApiMember(Description="A value that indicates whether the owner can write into this file.")>]
        member val OwnerCanWrite:Boolean = new Boolean() with get,set

        ///A value that indicates whether the owner can read from this file.
        [<ApiMember(Description="A value that indicates whether the owner can read from this file.")>]
        member val OwnerCanRead:Boolean = new Boolean() with get,set

        ///A value that indicates whether others can read from this file.
        [<ApiMember(Description="A value that indicates whether others can read from this file.")>]
        member val OthersCanExecute:Boolean = new Boolean() with get,set

        ///A value that indicates whether others can write into this file.
        [<ApiMember(Description="A value that indicates whether others can write into this file.")>]
        member val OthersCanWrite:Boolean = new Boolean() with get,set

        ///Extensions to the file attributes.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Extensions to the file attributes.")>]
        member val Extensions:Dictionary<String, String> = null with get,set

    ///Represents a generic file that contains raw data content in bytes
    [<Api(Description="Represents a generic file that contains raw data content in bytes")>]
    type BinaryFile() = 
        inherit FileBase()
        ///The attributes of the file.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The attributes of the file.")>]
        member val Metadata:FileMetadata = null with get,set

        ///The name of the file without information on its directory path.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The name of the file without information on its directory path.")>]
        member val Name:String = null with get,set

    ///A type that encapsulates the return values from the ERiC API function that processes tax data.
    [<Api(Description="A type that encapsulates the return values from the ERiC API function that processes tax data.")>]
    type BearbeiteVorgangResponse() = 
        inherit EricFehlerCodeResponse()
        ///The return value of the process.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The return value of the process.")>]
        member val Rueckgabe:EricBearbeiteVorgang = null with get,set

        ///The server response of the process.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The server response of the process.")>]
        member val Serverantwort:Elster = null with get,set

        ///If available, the PDF-based files to represent generated transfer prototocols.
        [<ApiMember(Description="If available, the PDF-based files to represent generated transfer prototocols.")>]
        member val TransferProtocols:ResizeArray<BinaryFile> = null with get,set

    ///Beim DatenLieferanten handelt es sich um diejenige natürliche Person, welche die Software bedient, bzw. in deren Namen die Software bedient wird,um die Daten zu übersenden (auf den Sendeknopf drückt - NICHT jedoch ein etwaiger Erfüllungsgehilfe).
    [<Api(Description="Beim DatenLieferanten handelt es sich um diejenige natürliche Person, welche die Software bedient, bzw. in deren Namen die Software bedient wird,um die Daten zu übersenden (auf den Sendeknopf drückt - NICHT jedoch ein etwaiger Erfüllungsgehilfe).")>]
    type DatenLieferant() = 
        ///Der Name des Datenlieferants.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Der Name des Datenlieferants.")>]
        member val Name:String = null with get,set

        ///Der Straßenname des Datenlieferants.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Der Straßenname des Datenlieferants.")>]
        member val Strasse:String = null with get,set

        ///Die Postleitzahl des Datenlieferants.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Die Postleitzahl des Datenlieferants.")>]
        member val PLZ:String = null with get,set

        ///Der Ort des Datenlieferants.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Der Ort des Datenlieferants.")>]
        member val Ort:String = null with get,set

        ///Die Telefonnummer (optional) des Datenlieferants.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Die Telefonnummer (optional) des Datenlieferants.")>]
        member val Telefon:String = null with get,set

        ///Die Email-Adresse (optional) des Datenlieferant.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Die Email-Adresse (optional) des Datenlieferant.")>]
        member val Email:String = null with get,set

    ///Stellt einen Steuerberater dar.
    [<Api(Description="Stellt einen Steuerberater dar.")>]
    type Berater() = 
        ///Der Bezeichnung (optional) des Beraters (normalerweise der Name des Beraters Unternehmen).
        [<ApiMember(Description="Der Bezeichnung (optional) des Beraters (normalerweise der Name des Beraters Unternehmen).")>]
        member val Bezeichnung:String = null with get,set

        ///Der Name (optional) des Beraters.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Der Name (optional) des Beraters.")>]
        member val Name:String = null with get,set

        ///Der Vorname (optional) des Beraters.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Der Vorname (optional) des Beraters.")>]
        member val Vorname:String = null with get,set

        ///Der Namenvorsatz (optional) des Beraters.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Der Namenvorsatz (optional) des Beraters.")>]
        member val Namensvorsatz:String = null with get,set

        ///Der Namenzusatz (optional) des Beraters.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Der Namenzusatz (optional) des Beraters.")>]
        member val Namenszusatz:String = null with get,set

        ///Der Straßenname (optional) des Beraters.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Der Straßenname (optional) des Beraters.")>]
        member val Str:String = null with get,set

        ///Die Hausnummer (optional) des Beraters.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Die Hausnummer (optional) des Beraters.")>]
        member val Hausnummer:String = null with get,set

        ///Der Hausnummernzusatz (optional) des Beraters.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Der Hausnummernzusatz (optional) des Beraters.")>]
        member val HNrZusatz:String = null with get,set

        ///Der Anschriftenzusatz (optional) des Beraters.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Der Anschriftenzusatz (optional) des Beraters.")>]
        member val AnschriftenZusatz:String = null with get,set

        ///Der Ort (optional) des Beraters.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Der Ort (optional) des Beraters.")>]
        member val Ort:String = null with get,set

        ///Die Postleitzahl (optional) des Beraters.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Die Postleitzahl (optional) des Beraters.")>]
        member val PLZ:String = null with get,set

        ///Die Auslandspostleitzahl (optional) des Beraters.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Die Auslandspostleitzahl (optional) des Beraters.")>]
        member val AuslandsPLZ:String = null with get,set

        ///Der Ländername (falls Anschrift im Ausland) des Beraters - optional. Der Ländername des Beraters kann mit 1-20 alphanumerischen Zeichen geliefert werden.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Der Ländername (falls Anschrift im Ausland) des Beraters - optional. \nDer Ländername des Beraters kann mit 1-20 alphanumerischen Zeichen geliefert werden.")>]
        member val Land:String = null with get,set

        ///Der Ort des Postfaches (optional) des Beraters.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Der Ort des Postfaches (optional) des Beraters.")>]
        member val PostfachOrt:String = null with get,set

        ///Das Postfach (optional) des Beraters.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Das Postfach (optional) des Beraters.")>]
        member val Postfach:String = null with get,set

        ///Die Postleitzahl (optional) des Beraters.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Die Postleitzahl (optional) des Beraters.")>]
        member val PostfachPLZ:String = null with get,set

        ///Die Großkundenpostleitzahl (optional) des Beraters.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Die Großkundenpostleitzahl (optional) des Beraters.")>]
        member val GKPLZ:String = null with get,set

        ///Die Telefonnummer (optional) des Beraters.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Die Telefonnummer (optional) des Beraters.")>]
        member val Telefon:String = null with get,set

        ///Die Emailadresse (optional) des Beraters.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Die Emailadresse (optional) des Beraters.")>]
        member val Email:String = null with get,set

    ///Stellt einen Mandant dar.
    [<Api(Description="Stellt einen Mandant dar.")>]
    type Mandant() = 
        ///Der Name (optional) des Mandanten.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Der Name (optional) des Mandanten.")>]
        member val Name:String = null with get,set

        ///Der Vorname (optional) des Mandanten.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Der Vorname (optional) des Mandanten.")>]
        member val Vorname:String = null with get,set

        ///Die Mandantennummer (optional) des Mandanten.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Die Mandantennummer (optional) des Mandanten.")>]
        member val MandantenNr:String = null with get,set

        ///Das Bearbeiterkennzeichen (optional) des Mandanten.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Das Bearbeiterkennzeichen (optional) des Mandanten.")>]
        member val Bearbeiterkennzeichen:String = null with get,set

    ///Stellt eine Anbindung zum ELSTER Online Portal (EOP) dar.
    [<Api(Description="Stellt eine Anbindung zum ELSTER Online Portal (EOP) dar.")>]
    type EOP() = 
        member val Transferausgabe:String = null with get,set

    ///Represents a portal certificate that is protected by a password.
    [<Api(Description="Represents a portal certificate that is protected by a password.")>]
    type PortalCertificate() = 
        inherit FileBase()
        ///The file name of the certificate.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The file name of the certificate.")>]
        member val Name:String = null with get,set

        ///The password to protect the certificate from unauthorized access.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The password to protect the certificate from unauthorized access.")>]
        member val Pin:String = null with get,set

        ///The description of the certificate.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The description of the certificate.")>]
        member val Description:String = null with get,set

        ///Tags that can be used to label or identify the certificate.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Tags that can be used to label or identify the certificate.")>]
        member val Tags:ResizeArray<String> = null with get,set

    ///Submits a VAT registration (Umsatzsteueranmeldung) for 2021 and files in the XML content as a tax consultant.
    [<Api(Description="Submits a VAT registration (Umsatzsteueranmeldung) for 2021 and files in the XML content as a tax consultant.")>]
    type SubmitUmsatzsteueranmeldung2021AsTaxConsultantBase() = 
        interface IPost
        ///Natürliche Person, welche die Software bedient, bzw. in deren Namen die Software bedient wird, um die Daten zu übersenden (Natural person who operates the software or under whose name the software is operated in order to transmit the data).
        [<ApiMember(Description="Natürliche Person, welche die Software bedient, bzw. in deren Namen die Software bedient wird, um die Daten zu übersenden (Natural person who operates the software or under whose name the software is operated in order to transmit the data).", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val DatenLieferant:DatenLieferant = null with get,set

        ///Das Datum der Erstellung (Date of creation).
        [<ApiMember(Description="Das Datum der Erstellung (Date of creation).", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val Erstellungsdatum:DateTime = new DateTime() with get,set

        ///Der Steuerberater, der den Steuerfall bearbeitet und abgibt (The tax adviser who processes and submits the tax case).
        [<ApiMember(Description="Der Steuerberater, der den Steuerfall bearbeitet und abgibt (The tax adviser who processes and submits the tax case).")>]
        member val Berater:Berater = null with get,set

        ///Der Mandant, für den der Steuerfall bearbeitet wird (The client for which the tax case is being processed).
        [<ApiMember(Description="Der Mandant, für den der Steuerfall bearbeitet wird (The client for which the tax case is being processed).")>]
        member val Mandant:Mandant = null with get,set

        ///Die vierstellige Bundesfinanzamtsnummer des empfangenden Finanzamtes (The four-digit federal tax office number of the receiving tax office).
        [<ApiMember(Description="Die vierstellige Bundesfinanzamtsnummer des empfangenden Finanzamtes (The four-digit federal tax office number of the receiving tax office).", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val Bundesfinanzamtsnummer:String = null with get,set

        ///Die Anbindung zum ELSTER Online Portal (EOP).
        [<ApiMember(Description="Die Anbindung zum ELSTER Online Portal (EOP).")>]
        member val EOP:EOP = null with get,set

        ///Should the PDF file be prepared for a double-sided printout with a margin for punching?.  True: The straight sides are indented to the left for a stitching margin for punching. False: There is no indentation of the straight sides. The created PDF is only intended for printing pages page by page.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Should the PDF file be prepared for a double-sided printout with a margin for punching?.  True: The straight sides are indented to the left for a stitching margin for punching. False: There is no indentation of the straight sides. The created PDF is only intended for printing pages page by page.")>]
        member val DuplexDruck:Nullable<Boolean> = new Nullable<Boolean>() with get,set

        ///Name prefix of the generated transfer protocol file.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Name prefix of the generated transfer protocol file.")>]
        member val ProtocolPrefix:String = null with get,set

        ///Footer text to be used on the printout (optional).
        [<ApiMember(Description="Footer text to be used on the printout (optional).", Name="FussText")>]
        member val FussText:String = null with get,set

        ///The authentification certificate.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The authentification certificate.", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val Zertifikat:PortalCertificate = null with get,set

    ///Stellt den Pflichtkennzahl Kz09 dar, welche die Angabe diverser Informationen ermöglicht. Beispiele: 74931 74931*Name Berater*Berufsbezeichnung*** 74931*****Name Mandant 74931***Tel.Nr:Berater/Vorwahl*Tel.Nr:Berater/Anschluss*Name Mandant
    [<Api(Description="Stellt den Pflichtkennzahl Kz09 dar, welche die Angabe diverser Informationen ermöglicht. Beispiele: 74931 74931*Name Berater*Berufsbezeichnung*** 74931*****Name Mandant 74931***Tel.Nr:Berater/Vorwahl*Tel.Nr:Berater/Anschluss*Name Mandant")>]
    type Kz09() = 
        ///Die Bezeichnung des Softwareherstellers (Pflicht), über dessen Software die Steuererklärung oder (Vor)anmeldung abgegeben wird. Die Bezeichnung muss 5-stellig sein.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Die Bezeichnung des Softwareherstellers (Pflicht), über dessen Software die Steuererklärung oder (Vor)anmeldung abgegeben wird. Die Bezeichnung muss 5-stellig sein.", IsRequired=true, Name="HerstellerId")>]
        member val HerstellerId:Int32 = new Int32() with get,set

        ///Der Name des Beraters, welcher die Steuererklärung oder (Vor)anmeldung abgegeben wird. Das Name des Beraters kann von 0- bis 85-stellig sein.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Der Name des Beraters, welcher die Steuererklärung oder (Vor)anmeldung abgegeben wird. Das Name des Beraters kann von 0- bis 85-stellig sein.", Name="BeraterName")>]
        member val BeraterName:String = null with get,set

        ///Die Berufbezeichnung des Beraters. Die Berufbezeichnung des Beraterskann von 0- bis 85-stellig sein.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Die Berufbezeichnung des Beraters. Die Berufbezeichnung des Beraterskann von 0- bis 85-stellig sein.", Name="Berufsbezeichnung")>]
        member val Berufsbezeichnung:String = null with get,set

        ///Die Telefonnummervorwahl des Beraters. Die Telefonnummervorwahl des Beraters kann von 0- bis 85-stellig sein.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Die Telefonnummervorwahl des Beraters. Die Telefonnummervorwahl des Beraters kann von 0- bis 85-stellig sein.", Name="Berufsbezeichnung")>]
        member val BeraterTelNrVorwahl:String = null with get,set

        ///Der Telefonnummeranschluss des Beraters. Der Telefonnummeranschluss des Beraters kann von 0- bis 85-stellig sein.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Der Telefonnummeranschluss des Beraters. Der Telefonnummeranschluss des Beraters kann von 0- bis 85-stellig sein.", Name="BeraterTelNrAnschluss")>]
        member val BeraterTelNrAnschluss:String = null with get,set

        ///Der Name des Mandanten. Der Name des Mandanten kann von 0- bis 85-stellig sein.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Der Name des Mandanten. Der Name des Mandanten kann von 0- bis 85-stellig sein.", Name="MandantName")>]
        member val MandantName:String = null with get,set

    ///Specifies an integer data type with limits and a specialized string representation
    [<Api(Description="Specifies an integer data type with limits and a specialized string representation")>]
    type Ganzzahl() = 
        ///The intrinsic integer value.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The intrinsic integer value.")>]
        member val Wert:Int32 = new Int32() with get,set

    ///Represents an integer data type whose value has a maximum length of 1 digit. Minus sign allowed.
    [<Api(Description="Represents an integer data type whose value has a maximum length of 1 digit. Minus sign allowed.")>]
    type Ganzzahl1EN() = 
        inherit Ganzzahl()

    ///Specifies an amount of money without cents with limits and a specialized string representation
    [<Api(Description="Specifies an amount of money without cents with limits and a specialized string representation")>]
    type GrossGeldBetragOhneCent() = 
        ///The intrinsic currency value.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The intrinsic currency value.")>]
        member val Wert:Int64 = new Int64() with get,set

    ///Represents an unsigned amount of money without cents whose value has a maximum length of 13 digits. That is, 1 to 13 digits. Minus sign NOT allowed.
    [<Api(Description="Represents an unsigned amount of money without cents whose value has a maximum length of 13 digits. That is, 1 to 13 digits. Minus sign NOT allowed.")>]
    type PositiverGeldBetragOhneCent13EN() = 
        inherit GrossGeldBetragOhneCent()

    ///Anmeldung der Sondervorauszahlung für die Umsatzsteuer 2021 (Filing of the special advance payment for VAT 2021).
    [<Api(Description="Anmeldung der Sondervorauszahlung für die Umsatzsteuer 2021 (Filing of the special advance payment for VAT 2021).")>]
    type Umsatzsteuersondervorauszahlung2021() = 
        ///Das Jahr der Veranlagung.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Das Jahr der Veranlagung.", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val Jahr:Int32 = new Int32() with get,set

        member val Steuernummer:String = null with get,set

        ///Pflichtkennzahl, welche die Angabe diverser Informationen ermöglicht.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Pflichtkennzahl, welche die Angabe diverser Informationen ermöglicht.", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val Kz09:Kz09 = null with get,set

        ///Berichtigte Anmeldung
        [<ApiMember(Description="Berichtigte Anmeldung")>]
        member val Kz10:Ganzzahl1EN = null with get,set

        ///Über die Angaben in der Steueranmeldung hinaus sind weitere oder abweichende Angaben oder Sachverhalte zu berücksichtigen.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Über die Angaben in der Steueranmeldung hinaus sind weitere oder abweichende Angaben oder Sachverhalte zu berücksichtigen.")>]
        member val Kz23:Ganzzahl1EN = null with get,set

        ///Ergänzende Angaben zur Steueranmeldung
        [<ApiMember(Description="Ergänzende Angaben zur Steueranmeldung")>]
        member val Kz23_Begruendung:String = null with get,set

        ///Das SEPA-Lastschriftmandat wird ausnahmsweise (zum Beispiel wegen Verrechnungswünschen) für diesen Voranmeldungszeitraum widerrufen (falls ja, bitte eine 1 eintragen). Ein gegebenenfalls verbleibender Restbetrag ist gesondert zu entrichten.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Das SEPA-Lastschriftmandat wird ausnahmsweise (zum Beispiel wegen Verrechnungswünschen) für diesen Voranmeldungszeitraum widerrufen (falls ja, bitte eine 1 eintragen). Ein gegebenenfalls verbleibender Restbetrag ist gesondert zu entrichten.")>]
        member val Kz26:Ganzzahl1EN = null with get,set

        ///Verrechnung des Erstattungsbetrags erwünscht / Erstattungsbetrag ist abgetreten (falls ja, bitte eine 1 eintragen).
        [<ApiMember(Description="Verrechnung des Erstattungsbetrags erwünscht / Erstattungsbetrag ist abgetreten (falls ja, bitte eine 1 eintragen).")>]
        member val Kz29:Ganzzahl1EN = null with get,set

        ///Summe der verbleibenden Umsatzsteuer-Vorauszahlungen zuzüglich der zu berücksichtigenden Sondervorauszahlung für das Kalenderjahr 2020; davon 1/11 = Sondervorauszahlung 2021.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Summe der verbleibenden Umsatzsteuer-Vorauszahlungen zuzüglich der zu berücksichtigenden Sondervorauszahlung für das Kalenderjahr 2020; davon 1/11 = Sondervorauszahlung 2021.")>]
        member val Kz38:PositiverGeldBetragOhneCent13EN = null with get,set

    ///Submits the filing of the special advance payment for VAT (Umsatzsteuersondervorauszahlung) as a tax consultant for 2021.
    [<Api(Description="Submits the filing of the special advance payment for VAT (Umsatzsteuersondervorauszahlung) as a tax consultant for 2021.")>]
    type SubmitUstSv2021AsTaxConsultantBase() = 
        inherit SubmitUmsatzsteueranmeldung2021AsTaxConsultantBase()
        ///The filing of the special advance payment for VAT
        [<ApiMember(Description="The filing of the special advance payment for VAT", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val Umsatzsteuersondervorauszahlung:Umsatzsteuersondervorauszahlung2021 = null with get,set

    ///An asynchronous service to submit an filing of the special advance payment for VAT (Umsatzsteuer-sondervorauszahlung) as a tax consultant for 2021.
    [<Api(Description="An asynchronous service to submit an filing of the special advance payment for VAT (Umsatzsteuer-sondervorauszahlung) as a tax consultant for 2021.")>]
    type SubmitUStSv2021AsTaxConsultantAsync() = 
        inherit SubmitUstSv2021AsTaxConsultantBase()

F# SubmitUStSv2021AsTaxConsultantAsync DTOs

To override the Content-type in your clients, use the HTTP Accept Header, append the .xml suffix or ?format=xml


The following are sample HTTP requests and responses. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.

POST /SubmitUStSv2021AsTaxConsultantAsync HTTP/1.1 
Accept: application/xml
Content-Type: application/xml
Content-Length: length

<SubmitUStSv2021AsTaxConsultantAsync xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
  <Zertifikat xmlns:d2p1="">
    <Content xmlns="">AA==</Content>
    <d2p1:Tags xmlns:d3p1="">
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/xml
Content-Length: length

<BearbeiteVorgangResponse xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
  <ResponseStatus xmlns:d2p1="">
        <d2p1:Meta xmlns:d5p1="">
    <d2p1:Meta xmlns:d3p1="">
      <SemantischerIndex Name="String">String</SemantischerIndex>
      <SemantischerIndex Name="String">String</SemantischerIndex>
    <TransferHeader version="String">
      <SigUser />
      <Empfaenger id="String">
          <Eric />
        <NutzdatenHeader version="String">
          <Empfaenger id="L">String</Empfaenger>
        <Nutzdaten />
  <TransferProtocols xmlns:d2p1="">
      <Content xmlns="">AA==</Content>
        <d2p1:Extensions xmlns:d5p1="">