ERIC_OK | 0 | Error-free operation. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_UNKNOWN | 610001001 | Faulty operation, specific information is not available. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_PRUEF_FEHLER | 610001002 | Error occured during plausibility check; the data record is not plausible. To determine the failed plausibility checks, the return buffer must be evaluated. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_HINWEISE | 610001003 | Indications during plausibility check, the data record is not plausible. To determine the failed plausibility checks, the return buffer must be evaluated. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_FEHLERMELDUNG_NICHT_VORHANDEN | 610001007 | Error message in plain text is not available. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_KEINE_DATEN_VORHANDEN | 610001008 | XML data are not available for the given values. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_NICHT_GENUEGEND_ARBEITSSPEICHER | 610001013 | Not enough working memory (RAM). |
ERIC_GLOBAL_DATEI_NICHT_GEFUNDEN | 610001014 | File not found. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_HERSTELLER_ID_NICHT_ERLAUBT | 610001016 | For this operation/tax data type, the operation with the given Manufacturer ID (Hersteller ID) is not allowed. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_ILLEGAL_STATE | 610001017 | Invalid state. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_FUNKTION_NICHT_ERLAUBT | 610001018 | The function invocation is not allowed. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_ECHTFALL_NICHT_ERLAUBT | 610001019 | For this operation/tax data type/Test-Manufacturer ID (Hersteller ID), real cases are not allowed. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_NO_VERSAND_IN_BETA_VERSION | 610001020 | The transfer of real cases (= cases without the test marker) is not possible with a beta-version. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_TESTMERKER_UNGUELTIG | 610001025 | The given test marker for the given operation is not allowed. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_DATENSATZ_ZU_GROSS | 610001026 | The data record, which is to be sent, is too big. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_VERSCHLUESSELUNGS_PARAMETER_NICHT_ERLAUBT | 610001027 | Encryption parameters may not be given for the specified mode of transfer. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_NUR_PORTALZERTIFIKAT_ERLAUBT | 610001028 | Only portal certificates are allowed for the given mode of transfer. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_ERROR_XML_CREATE | 610001030 | An error occured during the transformation to XML. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_TEXTPUFFERGROESSE_FIX | 610001031 | The size of the text buffer can not be modified. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_INTERNER_FEHLER | 610001032 | Internal error occured. Please see details, where applicable, in the log file (eric.log). |
ERIC_GLOBAL_ARITHMETIKFEHLER | 610001033 | An error occurred during an arithmetic operation. Details are in the log file (eric.log). |
ERIC_GLOBAL_STEUERNUMMER_UNGUELTIG | 610001034 | Invalid tax number. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_STEUERNUMMER_FALSCHE_LAENGE | 610001035 | Invalid tax number: 13 digits are expected. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_STEUERNUMMER_NICHT_NUMERISCH | 610001036 | Invalid tax number: Only digits are expected. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_LANDESNUMMER_UNBEKANNT | 610001037 | Invalid state number. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_BUFANR_UNBEKANNT | 610001038 | Invalid Federal Tax Office Number. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_LANDESNUMMER_BUFANR | 610001039 | Invalid Federal Tax Office Number. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_PUFFER_ZUGRIFFSKONFLIKT | 610001040 | A buffer handle was provided more than once. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_PUFFER_UEBERLAUF | 610001041 | An attempt was made to define a buffer over the maximal possible length. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_DATENARTVERSION_UNBEKANNT | 610001042 | The passed datatype version is unknown or the required ERiC plugin was not found. Please note that the data type version is case-sensitive. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_DATENARTVERSION_XML_INKONSISTENT | 610001044 | The provided tax data type version does not correspond to the input XML. See details, where applicable in the log file(eric.log). |
ERIC_GLOBAL_COMMONDATA_NICHT_VERFUEGBAR | 610001045 | The plugin 'commonData' could not be loaded or provide a required service. See details, where applicable in the log file(eric.log). |
ERIC_GLOBAL_LOG_EXCEPTION | 610001046 | An exception was thrown on writing in the protocol [log] file. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_TRANSPORTSCHLUESSEL_NICHT_ERLAUBT | 610001047 | For this type of tax data type, no transport key may be given for the transfer header. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_OEFFENTLICHER_SCHLUESSEL_UNGUELTIG | 610001048 | The given public key cannot be read. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_TRANSPORTSCHLUESSEL_TYP_FALSCH | 610001049 | The type of transfer header in the given transport key for this tax data type is not allowed. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_PUFFER_UNGLEICHER_INSTANZ | 610001050 | The given buffer handle was not created with the available instance. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_VORSATZ_UNGUELTIG | 610001051 | The element 'Vorsatz' contains invalid values. See details, where applicable in the log file(eric.log). |
ERIC_GLOBAL_DATEIZUGRIFF_VERWEIGERT | 610001053 | A file could not be accessed in the desired way. Details are in the log file (eric.log). |
ERIC_GLOBAL_UNGUELTIGE_INSTANZ | 610001080 | The specified instance is null or has been disposed already. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_NICHT_INITIALISIERT | 610001081 | The single-thread ERiC instance was not initialized with the function 'EricInitialisiere'. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_MEHRFACHE_INITIALISIERUNG | 610001082 | The single-thread ERiC instance was already initialized with the function 'EricInitialisiere'. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_FEHLER_INITIALISIERUNG | 610001083 | The requested ERiC instance could not be created. See details in log file (eric.log). |
ERIC_GLOBAL_UNKNOWN_PARAMETER_ERROR | 610001102 | Unknown parameter error. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_CHECK_CORRUPTED_NDS | 610001108 | Defective user data set. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_VERSCHLUESSELUNGS_PARAMETER_NICHT_ANGEGEBEN | 610001206 | Encrypted/autheticated transfer desired, but required encryption parameters not provided. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_SEND_FLAG_MEHR_ALS_EINES | 610001209 | More than one provided transfer flag. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_UNGUELTIGE_FLAG_KOMBINATION | 610001218 | The given operations flag is not allowed. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_ERSTE_SEITE_DRUCK_NICHT_UNTERSTUETZT | 610001220 | The First-Page-Print function is allowed only for tax consultants, working on non-authorized income tax cases without a transfer requirement, in the taxable period that starts from 2010. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_UNGUELTIGER_PARAMETER | 610001222 | Die given parametsrs are invalid or incomplete. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_DRUCK_FUER_VERFAHREN_NICHT_ERLAUBT | 610001224 | For the given operation, printing is not supported. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_VERSAND_ART_NICHT_UNTERSTUETZT | 610001225 | The transfer mode is not supported for the given method. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_UNGUELTIGE_PARAMETER_VERSION | 610001226 | The version of the given parameter is not valid. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_TRANSFERHANDLE | 610001227 | An illegal transfer handle was specified for the data retrieval procedure. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_PLUGININITIALISIERUNG | 610001228 | The initialization of a plugin failed. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_INKOMPATIBLE_VERSIONEN | 610001229 | The version of the named ERiC-files in the log file are incompatible. (See eric.log.). |
ERIC_GLOBAL_VERSCHLUESSELUNGSVERFAHREN_NICHT_UNTERSTUETZT | 610001230 | The given encyrption method in the XML element '<Verschluesselung >' is not supported by ERiC. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_MEHRFACHAUFRUFE_NICHT_UNTERSTUETZT | 610001231 | An invocation of an API-function of ERiC may only take place when a previous call has returned. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_UTI_COUNTRY_NOT_SUPPORTED | 610001404 | The federal state/tax office with the given number does not deal with the provided taxation type of ELSTER-operations. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_IBAN_FORMALER_FEHLER | 610001501 | Invalid IBAN: IBAN must comprise of a 2-digit country code, followed by a 2-digit verification code, and followed by a basic bank account number. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_IBAN_LAENDERCODE_FEHLER | 610001502 | Invalid IBAN: The given country code is invalid or is not currently supported by ELSTER operations. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_IBAN_LANDESFORMAT_FEHLER | 610001503 | Invalid IBAN: The given IBAN does not correspond to the country-specified formal IBAN structure. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_IBAN_PRUEFZIFFER_FEHLER | 610001504 | Invalid IBAN: The verification of the given IBAN leads to a different check digit. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_BIC_FORMALER_FEHLER | 610001510 | Invalid BIC: The formal structure of the specified BIC is invalid. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_BIC_LAENDERCODE_FEHLER | 610001511 | Invalid BIC: The given country code is invalid or is not currently supported by ELSTER operations. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_ZULASSUNGSNUMMER_ZU_LANG | 610001519 | The given admissions number violates the length policies. A maximum of 6 digits is allowed. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_IDNUMMER_UNGUELTIG | 610001525 | The given IDNummer is invalid. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_NULL_PARAMETER | 610001526 | The parameter NULL was specified. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_EWAZ_UNGUELTIG | 610001527 | The transferred unit value file reference is invalid. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_EWAZ_LANDESKUERZEL_UNBEKANNT | 610001528 | The passed country abbreviation is unknown or empty. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_UPDATE_NECESSARY | 610001851 | Update of ERiC is required. Start the update [process] now. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_EINSTELLUNG_NAME_UNGUELTIG | 610001860 | Invalid name for the setting. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_EINSTELLUNG_WERT_UNGUELTIG | 610001861 | Invalid value for the setting. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_ERR_DEKODIEREN | 610001862 | Error during decoding. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_FUNKTION_NICHT_UNTERSTUETZT | 610001863 | The invoked function is not supported. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_NUTZDATENTICKETS_NICHT_EINDEUTIG | 610001865 | Error in transferred EDS-XML: A payload ticket was used for multiple tax cases in the aggregate data. For each tax case, a separate payload ticket must however be provided. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_NUTZDATENHEADERVERSIONEN_UNEINHEITLICH | 610001866 | Error in transferred EDS-XML: Different versions of the payload headers were used for the aggregate data. Within a data delivery only a payload header version is however allowed. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_BUNDESLAENDER_UNEINHEITLICH | 610001867 | Error in transferred EDS-XML: [Tax] cases for more than one federal state were provided. Within a data delivery only [tax] cases for a federal state may be provided |
ERIC_GLOBAL_ZEITRAEUME_UNEINHEITLICH | 610001868 | Error in transferred EDS-XML: [Tax] Cases for different years were provided. Within a data delivery only [tax] cases for one and the same [fiscal] year may be provided. |
ERIC_GLOBAL_NUTZDATENHEADER_EMPFAENGER_NICHT_KORREKT | 610001869 | Error in transferred EDS-XML: The content of the payload element '<Empfaenger>' is not correct for this tax data type. |
ERIC_TRANSFER_COM_ERROR | 610101200 | General communication error. |
ERIC_TRANSFER_VORGANG_NICHT_UNTERSTUETZT | 610101201 | This operation is not supported by the invoked function. |
ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_XML_THEADER | 610101210 | Error in transfer header. Der ELSTER receiving server registered an exeception. Please evaluate the server response. |
ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_PARAM | 610101251 | Invalid parameters were provided. |
ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_DATENTEILENDNOTFOUND | 610101253 | The text '</DatenTeil>' could not be located in the XML string. |
ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_BEGINDATENLIEFERANT | 610101255 | The text '<DatenLieferant>' could not be located in the XML string. |
ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_ENDDATENLIEFERANT | 610101256 | The text '</DatenLieferant>' could not be located in the XML string. |
ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_BEGINTRANSPORTSCHLUESSEL | 610101257 | The text '<TransportSchluessel>' could not be located in the XML string. |
ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_ENDTRANSPORTSCHLUESSEL | 610101258 | The text '</TransportSchluessel >' could not be located in the XML string. |
ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_BEGINDATENGROESSE | 610101259 | The text '<DatenGroesse & gt;' could not be located in the XML string. |
ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_ENDDATENGROESSE | 610101260 | The text '</DatenGroesse>' could not be located in the XML string. |
ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_SEND | 610101271 | An error occcured during the exchange of data. |
ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_NOTENCRYPTED | 610101274 | The response data were not PKCS#7-encrypted. |
ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_PROXYCONNECT | 610101276 | The copnnection to the proxy server could not be established. |
ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_CONNECTSERVER | 610101278 | No connection to the servers could be established. |
ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_NORESPONSE | 610101279 | No response could be received from the clearing house. |
ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_PROXYAUTH | 610101280 | The proxy server expects credentials. |
ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_SEND_INIT | 610101282 | Error during initialisation of transmission, the details, where applicable are present. the log file (eric.log). |
ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_TIMEOUT | 610101283 | A timeout occured during communication with the server. |
ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_PROXYPORT_INVALID | 610101284 | No valid port was given for the proxy. |
ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_OTHER | 610101291 | Other undefined error occurred. |
ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_XML_NHEADER | 610101292 | Error im payload header. The ELSTER receiving server registered an error. Please evaluate server response. All payload blocks in the aggregate data are to be checked, in order to identify the erroneous data records. |
ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_XML_ENCODING | 610101293 | The XML is wrongly encoded. |
ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_ENDSIGUSER | 610101294 | The text '</SigUser>' could not be located in the XML string. |
ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_XMLTAG_NICHT_GEFUNDEN | 610101295 | A tag could not be located in the XML string. |
ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_DATENTEILFEHLER | 610101297 | The XML element '<DatenTeil>' could not be read. |
ERIC_TRANSFER_EID_ZERTIFIKATFEHLER | 610101500 | No ad hoc certificate for the identity card or the residence permit could be created or found; see details in the log file(eric.log). |
ERIC_TRANSFER_EID_KEINKONTO | 610101510 | No exising account on ELSTER for the identification number of the user. |
ERIC_TRANSFER_EID_IDNRNICHTEINDEUTIG | 610101511 | No unique identification number could be assigned to the user. |
ERIC_TRANSFER_EID_SERVERFEHLER | 610101512 | The nPA-Servlet could not establish a connection to the eID-Server. |
ERIC_TRANSFER_EID_KEINCLIENT | 610101520 | Der eID-Client is not accessible. Probably it was not started or the specified local URL is invalid. |
ERIC_TRANSFER_EID_CLIENTFEHLER | 610101521 | The eID-Client thrown an exception. See details on the exception in the log file of the eID-client or when available. the ERiC log file (eric.log). |
ERIC_TRANSFER_EID_FEHLENDEFELDER | 610101522 | Not all required fields of the identity card could be read. Please check the function 'Selbstauskunft' of the eID-Client, if the following details were correctly entered: Last name, First name(s), Birthdate, Address (with post code) und type of document. |
ERIC_TRANSFER_EID_IDENTIFIKATIONABGEBROCHEN | 610101523 | The reading of data from the identity card was interrupted. |
ERIC_TRANSFER_EID_NPABLOCKIERT | 610101524 | The ID card is blocked by another operation. Finish the other operation, and then try again. |
ERIC_CRYPT_ERROR_CREATE_KEY | 610201016 | Error during creation of key. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_INVALID_HANDLE | 610201101 | eSigner: Invalid token handle. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_MAX_SESSION | 610201102 | eSigner: too many sessions are open. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_BUSY | 610201103 | eSigner: Overloading. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_OUT_OF_MEM | 610201104 | eSigner: memory assignment error. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_PSE_PATH | 610201105 | eSigner: Invalid PSE path. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_PIN_WRONG | 610201106 | eSigner: Wrong PIN. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_PIN_LOCKED | 610201107 | eSigner: PIN locked. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_P7_READ | 610201108 | eSigner: Error during reading of PKCS#7 object. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_P7_DECODE | 610201109 | eSigner: Error decoding of PKCS#7. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_P7_RECIPIENT | 610201110 | eSigner: Decoding certificate not contained in receiver list. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_P12_READ | 610201111 | eSigner: Error while reading of PKCS#12 object. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_P12_DECODE | 610201112 | eSigner: Error while decoding of PKCS#12 object. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_P12_SIG_KEY | 610201113 | eSigner: Error while accessing Soft-PSE signature key. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_P12_ENC_KEY | 610201114 | eSigner: Error while accessing Soft-PSE decryption key. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_P11_SIG_KEY | 610201115 | eSigner: Error while accessing hard token signature key. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_P11_ENC_KEY | 610201116 | eSigner: Error while accessing hard token decryption key. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_XML_PARSE | 610201117 | eSigner: Error while parsing input XML file. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_XML_SIG_ADD | 610201118 | eSigner: Error while creating XML signatures. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_XML_SIG_TAG | 610201119 | eSigner: XML signature day not available. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_XML_SIG_SIGN | 610201120 | eSigner: Error during creation of XML signature. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_ENCODE_UNKNOWN | 610201121 | eSigner: Parameter error, unknown encoding. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_ENCODE_ERROR | 610201122 | eSigner: Encoding error. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_XML_INIT | 610201123 | eSigner: XML initialization error. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_ENCRYPT | 610201124 | eSigner: Error while encrypting. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_DECRYPT | 610201125 | eSigner: Error while decrypting. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_P11_SLOT_EMPTY | 610201126 | eSigner: Empty slot list, that means no card has been inserted (PKCS#11). |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_NO_SIG_ENC_KEY | 610201127 | eSigner: No signature-/Encryption certificates/-key (PKCS#11). |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_LOAD_DLL | 610201128 | eSigner: PKCS11 or PC/SC Library missing or not executable. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_NO_SERVICE | 610201129 | eSigner: The PC/SC service is not started. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_ESICL_EXCEPTION | 610201130 | eSigner: Unknown exception occurred. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_ESIGNER_NICHT_GELADEN | 610201140 | eSigner: The eSigner library could not be loaded. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_INKOMPATIBLE_ESIGNER_VERSION | 610201141 | The eSigner library is available in an incompatible version. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_VERALTETE_ESIGNER_VERSION | 610201142 | eSigner: The eSigner library is available in an outdated version. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_TOKEN_TYPE_MISMATCH | 610201144 | eSigner: CA token type und internal token type do not match each other. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_P12_CREATE | 610201146 | eSigner: Temporary PKCS # 12 token can not be created. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_VERIFY_CERT_CHAIN | 610201147 | eSigner: Certificate chain could not be verified. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_P11_ENGINE_LOADED | 610201148 | eSigner: PKCS # 11 engine engaged with other library. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_USER_CANCEL | 610201149 | eSigner: Action aborted by the user. |
ERIC_CRYPT_ZERTIFIKAT | 610201200 | Error during access of certificate. |
ERIC_CRYPT_SIGNATUR | 610201201 | Error during creation of signature. |
ERIC_CRYPT_NICHT_UNTERSTUETZTES_PSE_FORMAT | 610201203 | The format of the PSE is not supported. |
ERIC_CRYPT_PIN_BENOETIGT | 610201205 | A PIN must be provided for the selected operation. |
ERIC_CRYPT_PIN_STAERKE_NICHT_AUSREICHEND | 610201206 | The desired PIN ist not secure enough (eg. too short). |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_INTERN | 610201208 | An internal error occurred. Details are present, where applicable, in the log file (eric.log). |
ERIC_CRYPT_ZERTIFIKATSPFAD_KEIN_VERZEICHNIS | 610201209 | The given certificate path is not a directory. |
ERIC_CRYPT_ZERTIFIKATSDATEI_EXISTIERT_BEREITS | 610201210 | An integral part of the ERiC certificate already exists in the given directory. |
ERIC_CRYPT_PIN_ENTHAELT_UNGUELTIGE_ZEICHEN | 610201211 | The desired PIN contains non-permitted characters (e.g. vowel mutations[ä, ö, ü,...]) |
ERIC_CRYPT_CORRUPTED | 610201213 | The provided certificate has inconsistencies and hence cannot be used. Please use another or create and use the new certificate. |
ERIC_CRYPT_EIDKARTE_NICHT_UNTERSTUETZT | 610201214 | The invoked function does not support the new identity card (nPA) and the electronic residence permit (eAT). |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_SC_SLOT_EMPTY | 610201215 | No card/stick is inserted. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_SC_NO_APPLET | 610201216 | No supported applet found. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_SC_SESSION | 610201217 | Error in the card session. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_P11_NO_SIG_CERT | 610201218 | P11 Signing certificate missing. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_P11_INIT_FAILED | 610201219 | P11 The initial token access has failed. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_P11_NO_ENC_CERT | 610201220 | P11 The initial token access has failed. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_P12_NO_SIG_CERT | 610201221 | P12 Signing certificate missing. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_P12_NO_ENC_CERT | 610201222 | P12 Encryption certificate missing. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_SC_ENC_KEY | 610201223 | PC/SC Access to the decryption key has failed. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_SC_NO_SIG_CERT | 610201224 | PC/SC Access to the decryption key has failed. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_SC_NO_ENC_CERT | 610201225 | PC/SC encryption certificate missing. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_SC_INIT_FAILED | 610201226 | PC/SC The initial token access has failed. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_SC_SIG_KEY | 610201227 | PC/SC Access to the signature key has failed. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_DATA_NOT_INITIALIZED | 610201228 | The data structure is not initialized. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_ASN1_READ_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL | 610201229 | The read buffer for decoding the ASN.1 structure is too small. |
ERIC_CRYPT_E_ASN1_READ_DATA_INCOMPLETE | 610201230 | The data of the ASN.1 structure is incomplete. |
ERIC_IO_FEHLER | 610301001 | Faulty processing, detailed information is not available. |
ERIC_IO_DATEI_INKORREKT | 610301005 | The file structure is incorrect. |
ERIC_IO_PARSE_FEHLER | 610301006 | An error occured while parsing the input data. Details are present in the log file (eric.log). |
ERIC_IO_NDS_GENERIERUNG_FEHLGESCHLAGEN | 610301007 | The generation of the payload record failed. |
ERIC_IO_MASTERDATENSERVICE_NICHT_VERFUEGBAR | 610301010 | Internal error, the master data service is not available. |
ERIC_IO_STEUERZEICHEN_IM_NDS | 610301014 | Invalid control characters were located in payload record. |
ERIC_IO_VERSIONSINFORMATIONEN_NICHT_GEFUNDEN | 610301031 | The version informations of the ERiC libraries could not be read. |
ERIC_IO_FALSCHES_VERFAHREN | 610301104 | The value of the transfer header element 'Verfahren' ist not supported by the used reader. |
ERIC_IO_READER_MEHRFACHE_STEUERFAELLE | 610301105 | The input file contains more than one tax case. |
ERIC_IO_READER_UNERWARTETE_ELEMENTE | 610301106 | Unexpected elements were found in the input file, details are available, where applicable, in the log file (eric.log). |
ERIC_IO_READER_FORMALE_FEHLER | 610301107 | Formal errors were found in the input file, details are available, where applicable, in the log file (eric.log). |
ERIC_IO_READER_FALSCHES_ENCODING | 610301108 | The input data was not encoded in ISO-8859-15, or the encoding was not specified. |
ERIC_IO_READER_MEHRFACHE_NUTZDATEN_ELEMENTE | 610301109 | More than one 'Nutzdaten' element was found in the inout file. |
ERIC_IO_READER_MEHRFACHE_NUTZDATENBLOCK_ELEMENTE | 610301110 | More than one payload block ['Nutzdatenblock'] was found in the input file. |
ERIC_IO_UNBEKANNTE_DATENART | 610301111 | The value in the transfer header element 'Datenart' is not supported by the reader used. |
ERIC_IO_READER_UNTERSACHBEREICH_UNGUELTIG | 610301114 | Invalid or incorrect valud for the subarea field. |
ERIC_IO_READER_ZU_VIELE_NUTZDATENBLOCK_ELEMENTE | 610301115 | Multiple payload blocks ['Nutzdatenblöcke'] found in the input file. |
ERIC_IO_READER_STEUERZEICHEN_IM_TRANSFERHEADER | 610301150 | Invalid control characters found in the transfer header element. |
ERIC_IO_READER_STEUERZEICHEN_IM_NUTZDATENHEADER | 610301151 | Invalid control characters found in the payload header ['NutzdatenHeader'] element. |
ERIC_IO_READER_STEUERZEICHEN_IN_DEN_NUTZDATEN | 610301152 | Invalid control characters found in payload ['Nutzdaten'] element. |
ERIC_IO_READER_RABE_FEHLER | 610301170 | Errors were found in the information on the referencing of documents (RABE), details can be found in the log file (eric.log). |
ERIC_IO_READER_KEINE_RABEID | 610301171 | No Rabe ID was specified, details may be in the log file (eric.log) |
ERIC_IO_READER_RABEID_UNGUELTIG | 610301172 | An invalid Rabe ID was found, details may be in the log file(eric.log) |
ERIC_IO_READER_RABE_VERIFIKATIONSID_UNGUELTIG | 610301173 | An invalid Verification ID was found, details can be found in the log file(eric.log). |
ERIC_IO_READER_RABE_REFERENZID_UNGUELTIG | 610301174 | An invalid reference ID was found, details may be in the log file(eric.log) |
ERIC_IO_READER_RABE_REFERENZID_NICHT_ERLAUBT | 610301175 | A Reference ID was specified for a field that does not allow a ReferenceId. details may be in the log file (eric.log) |
ERIC_IO_READER_RABE_REFERENZIDS_NICHT_EINDEUTIG | 610301176 | The same reference ID was specified several times for a user data block. Details can be found in the log file (eric.log) |
ERIC_IO_READER_ZU_VIELE_ANHAENGE | 610301190 | A user data block contains too many attachments. Details are in the log file (eric.log). |
ERIC_IO_READER_ANHANG_ZU_GROSS | 610301191 | An attachment is too large. Details are in the log file (eric.log). |
ERIC_IO_READER_ANHAENGE_ZU_GROSS | 610301192 | The total size of all attachments in a user data block is too large. Details are in the log file (eric.log). |
ERIC_IO_READER_SCHEMA_VALIDIERUNGSFEHLER | 610301200 | Es traten Fehler beim Validieren des XML auf. Details stehen im Logfile (eric.log). |
ERIC_IO_READER_UNBEKANNTE_XML_ENTITY | 610301201 | An XML entity could not be resolved. |
ERIC_IO_TESTHERSTELLERID_GESPERRT | 610301202 | The manufacturer ID specified in the XML is disallowed. Please also use your own manufacturer ID for test cases. |
ERIC_IO_DATENTEILNOTFOUND | 610301252 | The text '</DatenTeil>' could not be located in the xml string. |
ERIC_IO_DATENTEILENDNOTFOUND | 610301253 | The text '</DatenTeil>' could not located in the xml string |
ERIC_IO_UEBERGABEPARAMETER_FEHLERHAFT | 610301300 | Incorrect transfer parameters for the function. |
ERIC_IO_UNGUELTIGE_UTF8_SEQUENZ | 610301400 | The parameter contains invalid UTF-8 multibyte sequences. |
ERIC_IO_UNGUELTIGE_ZEICHEN_IN_PARAMETER | 610301401 | The parameter contains at least one invalid character. |
ERIC_PRINT_INTERNER_FEHLER | 610501001 | Faulty process, detailed information is not available. |
ERIC_PRINT_DRUCKVORLAGE_NICHT_GEFUNDEN | 610501002 | No print template for the specified combination of incident type and assessment period. Please check the installed print templates. |
ERIC_PRINT_UNGUELTIGER_DATEI_PFAD | 610501004 | A wrong file path was given or access rights are missing. |
ERIC_PRINT_INITIALISIERUNG_FEHLERHAFT | 610501007 | ERiCPrint was not correctly initialzed. Maybe ERiC was not correctly initialized? |
ERIC_PRINT_AUSGABEZIEL_UNBEKANNT | 610501008 | The used format, respectively the target client are unknown. |
ERIC_PRINT_ABBRUCH_DRUCKVORBEREITUNG | 610501009 | The start of the printing process failed. It may not have been possible to allocate required resources. |
ERIC_PRINT_ABBRUCH_GENERIERUNG | 610501010 | An error occured while outputting the content. |
ERIC_PRINT_STEUERFALL_NICHT_UNTERSTUETZT | 610501011 | The combination of the incident type and assessment period are not supported. |
ERIC_PRINT_FUSSTEXT_ZU_LANG | 610501012 | The provided footnote is too long. |
ERIC_PRINT_PDFCALLBACK | 610501015 | The user-defined callback function reported an error during PDF creation. |